Early Access version 26

Is the Experimental Flight Test - Heavy Bomber only available for the next two weeks, and then never become available again or it is simply regenerated every two weeks?

Where can I sign?

The first one is most likely

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problems with conections socket error…server is down???..

Why no one is talking about the “clucker bomb” special weapon?
What wold it may be?

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There was a suggestion for a sort of cluster bomb.

The name suggest it due to similitaries.
I imagine a “missile” that cause damage and leave some extra bullets but no removal of eggs as drawback?

Probably not, as this would imply that it’s some sort of a shrapnel-based weapon. If it’s a cluster bomb, then it’ll likely cause a small explosion which releases several charges which then also explode.

I can’t connect either, what is happening?

It’s weird. iA didn’t update the server status page.

What country are you from?

Costa rica… so its not a regional error

That’s because they have to do it manually and they might not even know that server crashed. It’s not automatic.

Also pls write replies in 1 post


Can the Capture mouse option be changed to only work in-mission like how it worked in earlier versions of CI4? That way I wouldn’t have to Alt+Tab out of the game when it’s paused.

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No connection still persists

Same here

Server is back up. Someone was messing with the server, either trying to cheat, or trying to intentionally crash it. :angry:

The fix is complete and will be applied shortly.


That is concerning at all!

Changed in v.27 :medal_sports: Idea