Early Access version 124

I’ve made some changes in v.125 to combat this.

No, they will not be mixed. That’s why I released 2002 earlier: to avoid clashing with Christmas.

It doesn’t hurt.

This is due to a change I made about how percentages % are displayed. The translation needs to be updated.

If there was indeed a connectivity problem, then the multiplayer browser will not have received the new player count, so it would still show the game as full. Also, even if the player count is refreshed, you also need to refresh your own multiplayer browser in order to see the new value.

These are not realistic solutions. Android generates random MACs, IPs can change, HWID access is not allowed on Android/iOS, and fake e-mails can be entered (and no, I will not turn away legitimate players by requiring e-mail validation before you can play).

You know what the most practical solution is? Ignore them.

Yes, it’s possible. But it’s minor and people would soon ask for complications improvements (show score/lives/power/etc as well)


What did you do? :eyes:

give pattary medals


How about -2002test?

It work IA the account is work thanks

No one thought about this

IA we are getting close to the end of early access
Can you pls check them for one last time :pleading_face::pleading_face:

If you read the topics, you definitely know that the game will continue to be updated after the early access ._ .


You expect too much from CIU forum users.


I know
Bug getting added before the end of early access has another enjoyment

Everyone does
Except IA

Two missions with a same difficult (89%-99%)
But why the length of 2 difficult bars of 2 missions is different a little? Look at the difficult bar carefully!

because decimal are hidden?


@InterAction_studios if we didn’t have Black chickens or roosters alien chickens for contrast reasons, then why did you make black turkeys

That’s exactly why.


@InterAction_studios Can the earn medals quest show the medal requirement when clicking it?
“Earn the specified number of medals”
“(Awarded for 90% of food collection in a single wave)”

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Add new quest IA collect points 100,000,0 look like this

jesus fecking christ


Wait goofy ahh plane is fine ig

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Well, he didn’t send me any request yet

cuz he doesn’t know your callsign