Early Access version 11.2

Fixed. This was caused by camera discrepancies (server’s camera was zooming in while client’s started fully zoomed-in).


i don’t want to make a topic about this small detail but could you make the crosshair cursor (the one that appears in-mission when we go to the corners) customizable in options so we can either turn it off or on?

Sure. The only problem is to find a good name this option… :thinking:

“Show real mouse position” under Options/Controls/Mouse ?

It’s not very intuitive :frowning:

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idk, probably, maybe just use a casual name saying ‘show cross-hair’ or just this ‘enable real mouse position’ and when we enable it, it turns into ‘disable real mouse position’

Show cross-hair when near edges?

Are you going to release CIU Early Access V12 right now or later?

Next week probably, its early for new update.

:clap: Infini :clap: Chick :clap: is :clap: getting :clap: nerfed

It should be the other way… buff the Super Chick instead. unnamed

I agree it should be buffed in difficulty, but I’m glad it’s gigantic multiplicty health boost is gone.

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I think a checkbox would be more intuïtive.

Tomituka wormhole