Early Access version 107

@InterAction_studios will the new songs be in the shop?

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There’s a difference between “unfair” and “impossible”. In any case, encounter the boss first, and if you still think it can be in Double Team missions, let me know.

Known, but cosmetic so “won’t fix”.

Not in v.108. They will eventually be added, however, if people like them enough.


Why does Klaus have a low chance of obtaining food by killing it?

Who made the new songs? Was it 2dB or someone else?


I wonder this too. I thought we weren’t supposed to eat them.

Well why doesn’t it kill you when you eat it? HMMMMMM

I don’t know if this is a bug or ping but when I was playing Multiplayer for SOME REASON some chickens were invisible

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I think those 3 new test musics include Double Team music, right?


Do not put it in your mouth :)))))

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Too late. I’ve put a Klaus in my mouth already.

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iA have told it lmao :)))

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Oh no, I put it in my mouth at least 3 TIMES. How much time do I have left?

No particular reason. Just to make it contrast more respect to other chicken breeds (in particular, the Slob).

Although 2dB would have been my preferred choice by far, there was neither time nor budget for it this time.

They’re “mission music”. That includes Double Team missions, so yes.