Early Access version 106.2

This is actually a good idea, because there are about 65,000 accounts in the game but only 5279 forum accounts. So most players in the game does not know this forum exists.

We have Inbox to support this, iA has used it to send a warning to all players for emergency updates before, so this can also be used for each update announcement (not everything in the log should be included, only major changes and short description of other changes).


May 9? It’s just great. I hope that there will be no new bugs.


I guess iA could use Windows Live Messenger for Windows XP, too


@InterAction_studios can there be an option that completely hides/show the hud either in-mission or the galaxy?

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You mean…“screenshot” button?

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already did it

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The screenshot button only allows you to hide the pause menu for until you’re done screenshotting.
And you can’t continue flying the mission with it.

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Speaking of those, reminds me of wondering can there be an option to hide and show my own callsign on galaxy map, or even hide the white lines that shows where your ship goes during system travel


Can we get this on version 108 maybe?

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IA ,Can you add this font to v108 and can you make 2 players can play in same computer ?
It’s from CI Episodes .
This Word means “InterAction Studios” .
It’s screenshot resized of CI4.

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And what’s the font’s name?
EDIT: Now I understand. It’s the font used in CI4, right?