Early Access version 105

Hm, I think iA should make it to save the charge then


I tested the new booster a bit (on missions around 70-100% difficulty) and I have to say that it works better than I expected and even in this stage of developement it feels a viable alternative to Overdrive.
But it has some problems.

  1. I find a little bit too hard to focus on avoiding bullets while having to look on the top left corner of the screen in order to see how much the charge level currently is.
    I know that this is a thing that can be solved simply by getting used to it but I think that adding a sound effect when the charge is full\depleted may be a nice quality of life feature
  2. I like the fact that the charge bar uses the same colors of the heat bar but at the same time i’m wondering if it may limit the customization options. Can you please consider if it’s worth to give boosters separate colors in the ui customization?
  3. Plasma an Vulcan right now are too strong when you use this booster, since it removes their main downsides. Both of them can complety destroy waves in a single charge
  4. On the other hand it makes Boron on a weird place where you have to waste bullets (making you lose the points of the accuracy medal) in order to deal a decent amount of damage. It’s underpowered in invasions and ok in boss rushes… It’s not enjoyable to play with
  5. It’s a way better booster than Overdrive in hot environments. The “no overheat bonus” makes Accumulator the meta pick.
    On the other hand Vulcan+Overdrive is still the best choice for comet chase and meteor storm missions. Should some boosters completly outshine others in some missions?

I think you should fix the orbit line color of the Gus’s Gas (coordinate: 799+106) .In this picture, it looks disproportionate and isn’t fade out at the end of the orbit line.
I’m not sure that every Gus’s Gas has this problem.
Another view:


i can’t see anything of this picture

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its really hard to fix


My picture? I’ve another view of this. Sorry.

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@InterAction_studios Can you add an option to restore the automatic spacecraft spinning so that we don’t have to click on Back and return to a spacecraft customization menu like this every time we want to restore that automatic spacecraft spinning?


I can also confirm the bottom HUD opacity is broken

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The Accumulator is nice and all but apparently killing bosses doesn’t seem to give that much charge
so boss rush could be much harder with no bosses that spawns enemies
and i think its useful to add a multiplier for boss kill (or deal damage to bosses to charge)


IA, can you highlight the boxs so some people could know the boxs Is right there

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its called putting the opacity up


@InterAction_studios can you try moving the checkbox to the left so the text isn’t squished?


seems to have been added in the update


it is also only a preview of the movement of the spacecraft

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@InterAction_studios the game is telling me to stare at half a blank space


Well, you can see a little bit of the missiles.


behind the transparency


still a bug though
please only talk when necessary
you are becoming annoying

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the game still has bugs


we all know, now lets stop talking

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