Early Access version 102

s u f f e r

Added to v.103 :medal_sports: Idea

I considered putting it directly in front (or behind) spacecraft, but I decided against it.

Fixed in v.103 :medal_sports: Bug (note that it does indeed have 3 satellites in-mission, you just don’t see the 3rd slot in the “Fleet” screen)

That’s how text is squeezed when there’s not enough space for it. Having a scrollbar would look worse in my opinion.


not balanced?


Can you make it consistent? it should all say “-” or “0” in the weapon limit info

guess no chocken for 1 year ;(


Finally,a truly update…and thank for give me one overdrive booster item IA


Change it as: Weapon power limit: Unilimit

see ya guys on 2/5/2023 xD

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you can get more space by converting text to icons, though

(yes i know i can also put the satellites into icbm icons but im in a hurry so thats it for now)

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VeRy ChEaP :+1:

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2,4k for 6 slots is a great deal

CHL users have wayyyyyy too much advantages :smiling_face_with_tear:

its not that much man, its just

  1. access to very hard challenges (not needed if you have skill issue like me)
  2. funny icon to flex (not needed)
  3. not getting your account deleted (just be active and it won’t delete you)
  4. more hardpoints (not needed if you don’t need more hardpoints)
  5. expensive ships that just have bigger hitbox and move slower but more powerful (not needed if you are poor lmao)

it doesnt help with my skill issues


But then you will have to add some clickable messages to those icons so that the player would know what the icons mean.

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Idea: If you unmount the “Booster”, You can spam Neutron, Ion, Laser, … same like CI Episodes.

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that would be the same as overdrive then

Oh no no no. RIP fingers :smiling_face_with_tear:

But you will spam your mouse instead of double click.

oh no wrong image
i meant this

I think there should be a booster called “Hyperaccelerator” that amplies the firerate of the weapon by 100% (or however many percents I.A wants) for the cost of 25% reduced damage output (or however many percents I.A wants). Note that Absolver Beam when applied by this booster will charge 100% (or however many percents I.A wants) faster than normal. Is this a good idea, @InterAction_studios?

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