Early Access version 100

??? Why .___.


and finally! IA update version!


wow somebody just care about update
think before you speak

the decription of the Virtuoso and SSH skill still has “wave zones are not marked” signs

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It’s -10 dare points. I didn’t want to hard-code it in the text in case it changes in the future.


Nice addition

I have always wanted that because what the purpose of the engine in the gameplay
Increase traveling speed isn’t worth buying it now it is worth it

This will be so helpful in missions with the bx family

A moment for bx-6

That’s what leagues needed

Nice it had rework it really needed a rework

That was very frustrating in the higher difficulties

We needed that so much

That’s actually so nice tgat rarity can give you now speed

Fixed in v.101 :medal_sports: Bug

The difficult thing will be to get all the translations updated :thinking:


I am referencing to someone
On youtube you know

When will we get new idea implemented in the game like new weapons or satellites or bosses ?

the speed changes should be reflected in the store explanation

and the maneuverability stat

is disconnect when enter league

I think after spacecrafts balancing is complete.

Yes, I see it. Does it work after you reconnect?

is not work

That would take some time

the league leave option is very nice but some people are keep rejoining it
so would there be some cooldown on it

like 24h can join it

That’s why you lose dare points each time you rejoin