Early Access version 10

Couldn’t agree more. I find it so funny actually when I die to them now, even Egg cannon is insane from our insults to it.

Version 10.3 will be released tonight to tone down some of these insane speeds. This update will be optional, so you can stick with the existing 10.1 one if you prefer (until 11.1 comes).

P.S. 10.2 was a server-only update to fix the “reset galaxy exploration” issue


Which bosses do you intend to nerf? Currently,only military chicken and UCO chicken should be nerfed,in my opinion at least. Though I didn’t get to fight all of the bosses yet,so there could be more,idk. Would just like to know which ones will be fixed. I intend to record some of the bosses the way they are now,while I’d also like to record some of them after they get nerfed


We don’t know yet. We’ll perform an evaluation pass over ALL bosses. You’ll be able to tell by the changelog what was changed.

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That’s why I asked which bosses will get nerfed…because I’ll decide whether or not I want to update it based on that…
And thanks IA.

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Military chicken? I didn’t find him impossible. However the UCO’s are just too much.

Please only nerf the movment speed everything else is perfect.


Let’s hope they don’t reset it completely.

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Regarding Emerald’s suggestion, I couldn’t expect anyone who would use Egg Launcher in the highest difficulty. It’s virtually impossible to do so without dying, unless Phase-outs are used repeatedly… and repeatedly.

Regarding the bosses, yes UCO’s are much more chaotic now (SSH, mid difficulty), which should be toned down a little but.

Well, I definitely am updating when that update releases

Yeah, I think that one of the things that was lacking before the update was a ſignificant difference between Rookie and SSH. I haven’t had time to ſee how it is now, though.

Well,some bosses became bullet hell,others feel like they had a speedhack apllied to them(like…3 times or 4 times higher projectile speed)

I’m actually gonna update, I just game over-ed on Egg cannon again, it’s way too hard on SSH + max difficulty.

I disagree,honestly. It’s just as hard as it should be. Was able to do it deathless.

Good. It ſhould be too hard on the abſolute hardeſt miſſions. Try “Virtuoſo”.

I can’t get past the second stage, the yellow lasers and red projectiles with chickens shoot all at the same time, no space to move. But i’m fine with it. From what I see in the updates topic, they are nerfing some things too much, military chicken with 4 knives was fine, they reduced to 3 max.

You have to move very slowly there.

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The Henterprise on the other hand is very funny, how it moves so fast, the effects can’t even keep up with the attacks :joy: