Country people

Though people could just not have their country’s flag

A half of CIU player base already has VN in their nickname, making this idea kind of useless.


If somene don’t know what “VN” means,It means Vietnam.


There is a VN in my callsign to know im a Vietnam guy

Ello, this is the Ultimate Chocken Space Force customer service, how may we be of assistance?

No lo sé Fuerza Espacial, esperaba asistencía española pero no encuentro ninguna…

(I don’t know Space Force, i was waiting for spanish assistance but i can’t find any…)


ctrl+t after logging in you should see a list of languages to choose from

how is that related to the topic at all

oh i thought adrian was asking for genuine help h

aaaaaa im dumb lol

It’s fine it’s fine, i was going with the joke of the Space Force. I dont know if there’s still stuff CIU needs in Spanish. Might check later

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