CIU's League Challenge - Phase 2

and i made my spaceship rainbow with the spaceship that is a heavy bomber unkovara-8

@ArtemBexline211085 could i add you to your contacts?

Of course you can

what your name?


ok ima go right now

When the newbie like chickenboi, which is a pro pilot of CIU, arrived to CLC’s Headquarter. He need to prove some skills, tactical and capable to making me impress first. Can you complete this challenge for the first time?

Prove it

Challenge: Defeat all bosses in Boss Rush without dying more than 5 times

:warning: Warning: Your favorite weapon started from :zap:0

Good Luck, @chickenboi

Unfortunately, it has already passed without even listening to you.

lol it was easy i didnt die a single time

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without listening to you i won

im just tier 71 :slight_smile:

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And I have level 99

and completed my first galactic cup without dying once

that’s why im a pro in CIU

Because every recruits of CLC must beat the basic challenge to improve your experience and your current rank too.

(To get a hard challenge, you have to deal more challenge in your current rank first, to promoted you onto the next rank.)

then why “without dying more than 5 times in a boss rush” when its easy

Well, actually you’re new here

i completed several 100% difficulty league’s

But I forgot to said, @chickenboi, where’s your results?

“No Results = No Reward”

how do i screenshot?