CIU's League Challenge - Phase 2

Yeah, I saw that but I need to use H&C for key bonus, so please remove that rule.

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Ok, I will give a chance for you only 3 of 5 missions, the other 2 missions will be affected from minus points (half from score rule).

So, good luck from competition out there.


Challenge done. Here is the U.C.O fight video, I use positron stream here.

Meanwhile on the thundercluck fight, I haven’t made a video, but I have a screenshot with a proof that I don’t use satellites, and I use boron railgun here.

And sorry if I exceed my firepower limit, it was an accident


Well Done, @ThisIsChristianF
Even though you found some problem by accident, but really beat this serious challenge.

Here’s your reward

Congratulations, christian_f
You have been promoted your current rank onto the new official rank.

:new: christian_f has been promoted into the next official rank.
:gear: Challenger’s Rank List has been updated.
:gear: Role for Each Rank in CLC will be updated soon.

You will get a challenge at least 3 times per weeks (start on this Sunday).
May the Fork be with you, christian_f : Commander Challenger of CLC


Attention Please
This is a short news from CLC Headquarter

:gear: Role for Each Rank in CLC has been updated

  • :new: Add the new rules to whoever in this rank “Commander Challenger”.

Thank you for your patience and understanding

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Attention Please

CC#6 is officially over and the winner of this CC has been revealed.
Please check it out here : CC#6’s Result Announcement

And don’t forget about important thing that will be approaching soon too.

Thank you for your patience and understanding

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After CC#6 is over, let’s heading back to the session.

Alice_De_Uruguay has take a rest after he received more assignment from school, but he got another time record to beat it down again.

What the luck of this time?! :face_with_monocle:

Challenge : Beat the other best time record with Lightning Fryer :zap:max

After the screenshot has been sent to you, please prepare yourself for this challenge is gonna be started soon.
Good Luck, @Alice_De_Uruguay

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But i dont have any incoming dares in my inbox


Incoming dare will be sent on tomorrow morning, @Alice_De_Uruguay

Sorry for the convenience


To @Alice_De_Uruguay

Prepare your speedrun now.

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Can you add me in your contacts, I might send you a challenge soon

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Here’s your new rules from your new current rank.

Post 565

It’s getting harder than you thought. So, careful out there, " @ThisIsChristianF : Commander Challenger of CLC".


To christian_f : Commander Challenger of CLC

UHF confirmed that you already promoted your rank into the new official rank of CLC and you were prepared to receive a difficult challenge from UHF. So, what are you looking for? Let’s getting started…

UHF’s Training Boss Skill Course has received an emergency situation from Gladiatious, Multichick’s constellation. Detected the new boss called “The Alien Mothership” from the other universe that tried to destroy our species with its retro weapon and we know that it’s not only one ship, but it’s coming in two ships.

You need to destroy them down with Ion Blaster :zap:max and without dying once from being attacked by them. I require you to use a spaceship like Muller or H&C to complete this mission.

May the Fork be with you

From: UHF Headquarter

Challenge : Complete the UHF’s Mission by following their rules

:warning: : If you break their rules, will be count as failed this challenge immediately.

Good Luck, @ThisIsChristianF


Here is the video, the 2nd encounter is an actual failure

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To christian_f : Commander Challenger of CLC

UHF’s Training Boss Skill Course will be pleasure to thank you for defeat the dual Alien Mothership. And we know that you accidently change your weapon while you attacking those boss, so I will give a chance for this time.

Here’s your reward
:medal_sports: from complete this challenge of CLC

The next mission will be sent to you in the future.

May the Fork be with you

From: UHF Headquarter

The next challenge will be count as failed if you accidently didn’t following the rules again.
So, please take a rest for now, @ThisIsChristianF.

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As you are the winners of CC#6, TheGoldenBoss128, I will give you for promoted your current rank as a special reward.

To do that, you need to beat this serious challenge of your current rank first to prove that you can do more difficult challenge than I thought.

Serious Challenge : Complete these objectives in one entire match (complete more than 33.3%)


  1. Defeat the Yolk Star with Utensil Poker :zap:max.
  2. Defend yourself from “Chicken Roulette” wave without dying more than 2 times.
  3. Survive from “Asteroids!” wave without dying once.

The new rank “Challenger” is waiting for you to claim it.
Good Luck, @SA-GoldenBoss128


Yeah, it wasn’t possible:

There wasn’t enough atoms at the wave but I used Utensil only from the beginning of the mission and didn’t die.

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Extraordinary, @SA-GoldenBoss128
You still the best of the best by complete this serious challenge.

Here’s your reward

Congratulations, TheGoldenBoss128
You have been promoted your current rank onto the new official rank.

:new: TheGoldenBoss128 has been increased his rank into the next rank.
:gear: Challenger’s Rank List has been updated.

Stay safe when you entrance to the new rank, because another challenge with more difficult will be prepared to dare you again.

May the Fork be with you, TheGoldenBoss128 : Challenger of CLC


Ardhane271 must prepare some digits for the next thing that he need to do it, but the Space Crab is hunting him in the darkness. Can he grab a digit and survive from this nightmare?

Challenge : Keep remember those digits from “Single Digits” wave and defeat the Space Crab Type#2 within 1 minute of mission time

Don’t get a nightmare when you die from it.
Good Luck, @Ardhane271

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christian_f must reach to the Emporium of Frozen University at Totemition, Cole’s constellation for presentation about the new idea of C.A.M., but it’s look like those Henpire is preparing to ambush attack on Feather Fields section.

Don’t let them make your presentation destroy into the bad pieces.

Challenge : Don’t get crash 5 times from each “Henpire Ambush” wave in overall

Remember, @ThisIsChristianF. Don’t let them destroy your workshop in every case.
Good Luck