CIU's League Challenge - Phase 2

Sometimes ArtemNikolaev211085 has complete the mission without using any booster, is simply best one. But he must prove the other challenger that he survive from henpire’s bosses without using any boosters along the entire mission.

Challenge: Complete the Boss Rush within 1 minute 45 seconds of mission time without using any boosters
Suggestion: Satellites Allowed

Good Luck, @ArtemBexline211085

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Still, a good challenge tho so yeah, im gonna rest here. Thanks for bring be back to shine again.


Me too

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That was a close one, @ArtemBexline211085
Just only 0.3 seconds before seconds of 45.

Medium Challenge: +6 RP
Dare Points: -2.64

Result: 3.36 RP

Attention Please
This is a short news from CC-S2

Competition Challenge#1 has been officially started the competition. Whoever was a competitor of CC#1, please prepare and complete it within time limit.

Here’s the Link: Competition Challenge#1

Thank you for your patience and understanding
Good Luck, all competitors of CC#1

@ArtemBexline211085 Return to

To what?

Another Challenge


But it’s not for me, it’s for bigmos, I’ve already given you a lot of challenges

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The latest challenge that I created for you is still waiting from your proof, which meaning that you can’t receive another challenge until you completed the latest challenge first.

@Bigmos49216 and which the Last Challenge

But it will be possible

You mean “Latest Challenge” like this? :point_down:

But with a high difficulty

High? @Bigmos49216 Can you tell me what the difficulty is?

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Difficulty: 41% (less than 50%)

Man… It’s not a high difficulty

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In each Difficulty you get 5 or 10 Keys