CIU version 152 BETA



Will the official release retroactively add finite medals/achievements like Tier 99 one as well? Doesn’t look like it works with beta right now

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I love this new font!
But the numbers in this font make this section empty
Screenshot 2025-02-01 033920
Old Font
Screenshot 2025-02-01 034020
New Font


Is it look weird when the Pecking HUD is under the barrier by a tiny distance like this?

Listen to me Please come down to the Beta version for Android. Please, I want to try it

Meaningless and effort-wasting.

So it means any lives lost, keys lost, losses, wins, etc will not affect my account. Right?

Whatever you do in Preview won’t affect your Live account.

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BETA server is now off-line.


The engine doesn’t support proper line breaks in sentences that mix Latin and Arabic scripts :man_shrugging:

That’s because I’m animating per character (letter), and Arabic has shaping so you need to look at the whole word.

Characters are still rendered separately, so sometimes they won’t line up properly (gaps or overlap). Also, any text effect (like the bevelling and gradient) will not work correctly because they operate on individual characters.

That’s not a new bug, is it? It must have been there even with the previous font.

That’s a translation issue. Check it.

Again, check the translation.

Fixed, thanks! :+1:

All already-earned medals will automatically be converted to achievements, so don’t be surprised if you see 30+ achievements during your first login.

The score isn’t supposed to extend across the entire space. If you only had 1000 points, then the space would be much greater.



beta offline this time currently? i was trying logging in

It’s Off-line 11h Ago

I try the the dlc with acces code as it show on IA studios site!, how cool it is :heart_eyes:
Episode 1 when it will be ready?

It takes too long to get back to online of beta

Also, is still ciep1 uploaded on the steam?

The Latin characters look different when using the Arabic language.

Also you didn’t reply to this post.

This is because the font version used must be the same.

The format and shape of the English font is dependent on the Arabic-Persian font.


I realise we need CHL to get Ironman achievement. Is that alright when locking an achievement in paywall?


to be honest some medals, mostly competitive, are impossible to get because it’s usually one or two people that get top 1 in every new comp mission

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v.152 Advance Preview

The official release is very close now, and to (hopefully) catch any last-minute problems, I am providing advance preview builds of the stand-alone and Android versions of the game.

:warning: Before you install them, however, read through the following notes:

  • These are the final builds (exactly the same as will eventually become public), however until the new version is officially released, they will still connect to the BETA server. This means that any progress you make using these versions will eventually be lost.

  • Purchases will not work.

  • They will overwrite any existing previous version installation you have.

  • If you install them but then wish to go back to playing ‘officially’, you must re-install the previous version on top.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.


Android (32-bit):


Finally :confetti_ball::partying_face:

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