CIU version 151


This is an emergency update to fix the crash on iOS and also the “too many gifts dropping” issue.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You won’t lose anything.


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: This change from v.150 now works: UVE settings (seasonal, language) are now upgraded.

  • :bug: Fixed spawning more than 2 atoms per wave (@gabytzu :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: iOS: Fixed crash caused by missing ‘GDI’ glyphs (@BluBugattiRacer :medal_sports: Bug)


@InterAction_studios Question: When will DLCS be available?

the fastest update ever




(off topic)


Is it intended? Since there is no “last wave” in Boot Camp

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Finishing the steam first then DLC on CIU due delayed boot camp

Sigh… this is totally fast upgrade v151, well… I guess a little bugs previously but okay.

@InterAction_studios the heck is ci2 360o? The game’s now 3D or smth?

when changing the ship’s trajectory, it takes more than one click for said change to occur

huds should have their own categories titled “HUDs” or any other pretentious word(s) that exists, and also an “Explain” button

i think this is intended isn’t it (the top one is this week’s weekly and the bottom is the first weekly)

for competitive missions, this should be changed to “Competitive missions aren’t assignable.”

add a feature where you can change the order of the ships in your profile (applies to yourself and other recruits)

medals in your profile should be able to be magnified

add a feature where you can check the profile of recruits in “all-time best”

“Make Flagship” (who knew i would be correcting the person whose english is incomprehensible)

i think it should be “dock to this planet”

Hello there.

An idea about the special weapons:

Missiles and mines are considered to be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. But the point is, the missile lacks the speed of the mine weapon, especially when you are far from the center of the screen.

So the defensive purpose of the missile weapon would suffer because of the centered-only explosion point.

Shouldn’t that be cheaper than mine? For e.g. 8 keys per unit instead of 11.

Currently, I never buy missiles and I always prefer mines: Same damage, faster explosion.
I must have a reason to buy missiles: To be cheaper than mines.

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  1. Will hedron be in bossfight missions?
  2. Will there be a boot camp medal?

Missiles and mines both technically have the same idea and a tradeoff behind: you either get a constant use delay which is large enough to be in trouble, or a variable use delay that is way shorter than with mines as long as you are close enough to the centre. In episodes I found missiles more usable in many scenarios because most waves that required special weapons would usually end up with the player being in the centre.


on quest the competitive missions, and I mean daily missions should be cunted all 3 difficulties? I’m pretty sure that before all 3 were counted, and now after the last update it count only one

Bug ?
When Egg cannon reaches to next stage, it plays a sound effect but sometimes when we reach next stage (i.e from 2nd to 3rd) quickly then sound effect is not played .

actually today it works all 3 mission are counted!, IA,can you confirm that yesterday , just 1 missions was counted? , or I’m wrong and I lost some numbers :see_no_evil:

Suggestion for coin drop rotation:

Currently, when coin drops, they all rotates left to right with same speed. Workout : make coins to rotate randomly with random speed.

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I have just thought one thing that could be interesting.
We already know that Skills use for Competitive missions are locked due to game balance. However some people like these missions with higher Skill.
So i have an idea: What if Skills are enabled for any Competitive mission with Multiplayer mode?
Explain: When you don’t turn on Multiplayer mode, you cannot change mission’s Skill, as normal. But… if you turn on Multiplayer mode, you will be able to change Skill of that mission. Do this for Weekly Challenge, Space Race and Cup Qualification Match mission, since they can be played many times (i didn’t count Ironman because… you may already know why i didn’t want to count it).

Don’t worry because Competitive missions with Multiplayer mode won’t count you to the leaderboard.

What do you think about it? Don’t you like playing those competitive missions with SSH?


Again… Again… Again💀


More than fixes

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