thanks for that screenshot, now i don’t need my daily 30 minutes in the sun for today
The light theme is healthier and easier on your eyes, and it also makes it easier for you to notice when you should take a break.
Why are you trying to sleep while sitting in front of a compu… never mind.
Can there be an option to make mouse invisible if it’s inactive for some time? For screenshots.
As you can see, the Armored left the screen before they came back. This is also happened when they are seperated nearby the bottom edge of the screen, which can hit the player even players stand in the bottom.
Before v147, they didn’t leave under the bottom edge of the screen. They didn’t even hit the player when was seperated.
I’m stuck in an endless loop of “Lost inbound connection” and “Duplicate login” for some reason, even though 16 hours ago it worked just fine. Took me several tries to even get to the language selection screen.
(oh and the server status still shows that it’s not working, I suppose it wasn’t redacted back)
Just move it to the bottom-right.
This is expected. Previously, enemies could not be ejected straight up or down, but after the change this is now possible. They always end up inside the screen, however, which is all that matters.
I don’t see anything out of the ordinary in the logs. Leave at least 60 seconds between tries.
That doesn’t hide it completely, though:
I’ve been gradually trying to enter the entire day, though I will give it a few more tries this hour. Perhaps it’s just my ISP doing weird stuff, will have to ask them about that.
This is the body of the message about the Ironman Competition. Can you please remove the word wrap specifically for the CHL phrase so that the icon and the phrase stays on one line? I tried to rephrase the message, but I just couldn’t fix this issue myself.
I think the cursor could become transparent as it approaches that corner. Of course, the range of that should be tiny.
For now I’ve only tried restarting router, as it’s quite late, and connecting through the mobile data, which also did not work (probably because it’s still the same provider). I suspect the provider doing some shenanigans with blocking actions which ricocheted to the game server somehow. Wouldn’t be the first time something like this happens, unfortunately.
Here’s a part of the log where it tries to connect and fails, but I doubt it’s of any use.
The part log
[main] 2024-07-24 F+2329 +14082 _121_(): Try address:
[main] 2024-07-24 _301_(): Trying address:
[main] 2024-07-24 _304_(): Creating socket...
[main] 2024-07-24 +2 _316_(): Connecting ...
[main] 2024-07-24 _337_(): connect() returned SOCKERR_EWOULDBLOCK/SOCKERR_EINPROGRESS (as expected)
[TCP] 2024-07-24 F+16 +109 _396_(): socket connected
[main] 2024-07-24 F+53 +332 _121_(): Try address:
[main] 2024-07-24 _301_(): Trying address:
[main] 2024-07-24 _304_(): Creating socket...
[main] 2024-07-24 +1 _316_(): Connecting ...
[main] 2024-07-24 _337_(): connect() returned SOCKERR_EWOULDBLOCK/SOCKERR_EINPROGRESS (as expected)
[TCP] 2024-07-24 F+1 +4 _38_(): closing socket (drainMessage=``, code={0})
[main] 2024-07-24 F+1 +7 _31_(): destroying socket (lived for 0 sec)
[TCP] 2024-07-24 F+16 +101 _396_(): socket connected
[main] 2024-07-24 F+1 +17 _255_(): Attempting to load 'C:\ProgramData/InterAction studios/CIU/steam/147/CIU.cache'.
[main] 2024-07-24 _285_(): Failed with fileError 2 (No such file or directory)
[main] 2024-07-24 F+110 +710 _216_(): Saving '/steamcloud/live/CIU/147//'.
[main] 2024-07-24 _237_(): Wrote 387 bytes (unverified).
[main] 2024-07-24 F+18 +111 _94_(): Connected to server ID: 704
[main] 2024-07-24 _96_(): Server epoch: 2024-07-24 22.22.41
[main] 2024-07-24 _97_(): Our time: 2024-07-24 22.22.41
[TCP] 2024-07-24 F+107 +682 _38_(): closing socket (drainMessage=`Lost inbound connection.`, code={1})
[main] 2024-07-24 F+1 +3 _31_(): destroying socket (lived for 2 sec)
[main] 2024-07-24 F+323 +2068 _3006_(): Saving.
[main] 2024-07-24 _216_(): Saving '/steamcloud/live/CIU/147//'.
[main] 2024-07-24 _237_(): Wrote 387 bytes (unverified).
[main] 2024-07-24 +9 _216_(): Saving '/steamcloud/live/CIU/147//CIU.hst'.
[main] 2024-07-24 _237_(): Wrote 270 bytes (unverified).
Notice: when I fly a mission in “To-do list” then I cancel or finish it, the game takes me to HeroCam screen instead of the “To-do list”
I hope this will be fixed.
Wait what? Partially flew? But I joined from the first wave, though.
When did exactly you join the Multiplayer? Inside wave 1 or before starting wave 1?
During wave 1, around 60% of wave progress.
Ye, and that’s why the game system considered that your result was “Partially”. If you join a Multiplayer room that wave 1 haven’t started yet, “Victory” is only available in this case.
One thing: why that looks abnormal to me? Because when you leave the room at/during that wave, it’s not count as partially flew. It’s “canceled”.
According to anything i know, this is only happened when you join and leave right in a same wave. The system will consider that you are playing the first wave of that mission (first wave of yourself), though your first wave in that mission is too far or late.
Mystery solved, the game works just fine once again after the router has been manually factory reset. We still don’t know what exactly caused this, though. There were no changes.
a simple idea:
damageable enemies very briefly, and subtly flash white or red upon taking damage
might also help make it clear to newcomers that some things cannot be damaged (indestructible barriers and the such)