CIU version 146 BETA

This design could be improved. How about an (actually) egg-shaped coconut (open or closed) with a straw and an umbrella?

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What about this thing instead of a coconut? It also rotates, so it would probably work better than a coconut.

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Man this is going to be awsome.
me rn:

But would it be good enough if it was… you know… egg-shaped?

Coconut is not egg shaped, and the collision circle is a circle anyway.

I feel like a dummy. I’ve never noticed the Mysterious Ship’s hitbox is that shaped and small. I’m wondering why though…

Still, a coconut or a ‘‘idk the name of that shuriken-looking fan’’… Does that call a poll?

I think this chicken needs to throw out a shovel :rofl:!!!

You can’t change Chickenaut’s bullet in summer edition, It’ll affect Security Droid’s bullet. Chickenaut and Security Droid’s bullet are same shape, monochrome texture (grayscale) + with blend color code.


There is a crazy thing that i’m just thought. What do you think if the Retro is also themed during season? There are two options:
1- Change the color of the retro. Maybe each season will have each own color for those retro enemies.
2- Change an enemy into another shape. I don’t know will this fine or not, because this require you a great idea to do.


Lol, a fish retro, for summer edition, though i don’t know is this fine or not.

What do you think about this, iA and everyone here?


Well, Taubsi already made a reply suggesting adding sunglasses to retro enemies, it was cute tho but i honestly don’t remember if iA replied or not.

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wouldn’t that make it a new enemy

I don’t know. I thought Retro can be replaced like other enemies in season content.

Halloween is actually like you are facing other enemies, anyways :skull:



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well that’s not bad

that can be replaced with the squid or bug retro variant


Please respect the block grid alignment :sob:


Hm, not bad! (even tho I was the one who suggested this first, I just forgot to elaborate it more due to exams).

Changed in v.146.5 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.146.5 :medal_sports: Bug


Fixed in v.146.5 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.146.5 :medal_sports: Bug

A pinwheel. In retrospect this would have been a more suitable option, but I’ve already fixed the coconut, so… Perhaps we can use the pinwheel if the coconut is used for something else.

I don’t think that’s necessary. There are far too few “pixels” available to create suitable designs (let alone animate them)


Maybe that could be used for eggs? But add a smiley face to make it more noticeable

You mean the big, breakable ones, right?


Well, my friend @thatchickeneater and i were discussing about this and i suggested this to him:-

A mini fanta bottle lmao, of course the trademark can be like “Hen-COLA” or something similar. (This is for all type small eggs)

it could be a star (starfish), seashell or durian (not the pvz2 plant)