CIU version 142 BETA

Will the episodes be available in the official version or the next one: v143?

Episode remakes have been done already.
Newly-made ones are available for a limited time, and the current one in v141 is CI2U.
Those are planned to be either standalones or DLCs.

Iā€™m seeing nothing but the same blinding blast :skull:
(Low details + Pro-gamer)

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That only affect in multiplayer

Whoops, I shouldā€™ve read the thing.
Edited posts not containing prior pings do not notify me :skull:

Also, there was no multi room to test stuff.

Host a private game and test it

Man listen me
First I use to play beta version
Second I always find all episodes CI but I donā€™t found it in BETA version

Iā€™m confused at your

Just read thisā€¦ And itā€™s only pcā€™s not android phones.

Try to never find episodes CI games for version official (current) cause this BETA topic only.

The Mother Hen-ship CI2 is still kept in wave 1 for each Boss Rush missions on BETA for testing it before releasing official v.142, right? I noted that all Boss Rush are back to the normal (except wave 1 for all Boss Rush, and wave 3 (randomly) ).

Also, i didnā€™t know that this is already existed ingame, but itā€™s still fine

This is only happened if our CIU game, or our community, is worse in the future, but i think it wonā€™t happen. Please donā€™t notice too much what am i thinking, or what am i saying. :skull: just a joke


how unfortunatly there is no MKIII in CI4U.

and CI3U no renamed too.

why mk III in ci4u , we need to make it as original (what the heck you want)
ci3u the same

The episodes are different than a spin-off
So never

No, all Invasion and Boss Rushes are back to normal. CI2 Mother Hen-Ship has an equal chance of appearing as the other bosses. There is indeed a problem with Boss Rushes. Fixed in v.142.3 :medal_sports: Bug


BETA server is now off-line