CIU version 141 BETA

Sure we can share medals


Kicked by the server.
iA mentioned this wouldn’t happen, but who knows what else could also cause a kick?

Fixed in v.141.3 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.141.3 :medal_sports: Bug


Fixed in v.141.3 :medal_sports: Bug


This is very weird. Are you sure the host didn’t press > by accident to skip the wave?

This is even weirder. Did the wave actually restart? This could be caused by pressing < and then >.

Anyway, if anyone else notices weirdness in multiplayer, please report ASAP.


Well they weren’t exactly the same, they retained the original enemy counts and spawn positions, its just that they had random falling speed so it appeared as if they were the same
probably noticeable on wave 107 especially

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suggestion : wave “hend game” , when progress bar gets 100% then we saw destroying animation but time still changes. so time should stopped during animation effect.

don’t see any useful with that

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BETA v.141.3 is now available.

You can now turn on “Christmas” seasonal content, if you wish.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from:


why is no text red colors in christmas.

and why this CI2 Music 1 literacy same CI4 Victory Theme shorts music (on christmas) or replace for CI2 Music 1 to non-Remastered Original Music (Christmas).


Bug ? : use spaceship VF-76 raven (with 6 ICBM) in 0-10% difficulty mission , shoot ICBM on “the iron chief” then you will see that only one or two gift would drop. But its progress meter will up to 50%.

The snow is not raining in the cutscenes when Christmas is turned on


I suggest to add some flares when UFO fires (That would be cool)

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(These suggestions/reports are regarding the Xmas edition of CI2U)
1-Is it just me or does the second cutscene use a later part of the CI2 victory theme?

2- Can coins be stars instead?

3- Coins dropped by chickens should award you a lot more points (replace them with silver coins).

4- Boss music starts playing before the wave name appears (it starts playing when “On approach to X” appears.

5- Sometimes, the big chickens shoots an egg before it’s fully shown.

6- very slow (only mhs not the others)

7- mystery bonus when

8- Mother Hen Ship fires too fast that there isn’t space to dodge between the projectiles.

9- The Authentic Hero should have a red paintjob in Xmas;

10- This is more of a question, but if Space Police exists, then why is the Hero here when he can save Earth from the chickens?

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Icy Snowballs (They were the red asteroids in the classic/original version of CI2 Xmas) should make a return and be the christmas version of Frozen Asteroids (the ones in the frozen planets and frozen asteroid belts)


Something i found after playing CI2U again in v141.3
1- 'Berserker" wave (and its variant): I still hear the voice of Berkerser Chick when they get first damage, though it’s very small to hear.
2- I forgot to suggest one thing about “Mother hen-ship” villain. Can you expand the time delay between each “Chasing bullets” attack time for a little? I don’t know exactly what is the current time, but i counted 0,5s by myself (My thinking: Changing time delay from 0,5s to 0,75s)

About The Mother-Hen Ship phases (Companion of CI2 original vs CI2U)
Wave 40 (Pt.1/3): Phase #3 (retreats)

  • Original CI2 correct after next 3rd phase added to 8 purple lazers
  • CI2U wasn’t adding to 8 purple lazers
  • It didnt drop firepower after Mother-Hen Ship runaway

Wave 70 (Pt.2/3): Phase #5 (retreats)

  • Already added to 16 purple lazers when Mother-Hen Ship retreats
  • The same things in CI2U not adding to 16 purple lazers
  • It didnt drop firepower after Mother-Hen Ship runaway again

Wave 110 (Final):

  • Original CI2, total phases are 7 after cracked all eggshell and started moving
  • CI2U are total 8 phases (instead of 7), phase No.7 after cracked all eggshell without moving and final phase starts moving
  • The sound destroy after defeated the Mother-Hen Ship is using metal sfx (actual not using explode sfx)
  • Phase 6 - final phase:
    + Mother-Hen Ship was shooting the target 5 times (in original set shooting 6 to 7 times)
    + Time reload speed really fast (I think about 0.5 sec) probably nerf the time reload speed to 1 sec or above

Honestly, Mother-Hen Ship should be increase the speed purple lazers (will depend on high difficulty)

Anything I’m just explaining for the reason here

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it’s missing the Bonus point for Mystery - 200.000 points


unrelated to CI2U, i wonder if it would be worth having a christmas themed cuisine, maybe with the replacements from CI2 Xmas together with, idk, presents


You mean this one?

CI2 Xmas


and what about the coin CI2 Xmas one
I mean the star coin

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