CIU version 140

@InterAction_studios can you add from rainbow wormhole shadow color. so this is galactic party during december!

Is it possible to add a toggle button to change warp boost, warp drive and orbit droid level?

Might be annoying if have to sell and buy again to change the speed of them


Uh, there’s no smoke trail from hot asteroids. Is it normal?

did you put from low detail setting.

Bug : a player joined me but he have ion blaster and we are on wave 1 and i have lightning fryer


Post can’t be empty

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bro you the host player you got the 10 lightning fryer i have the ion blaster thats not bug

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well actually high detail they are no smoke trail.

Good Bug!

meanwhile the ci3 meteor shower hot asteroids never had no smoke trail.

the corn shotgun have all no weakness and strongest.

about burgermeister…
corn shotgun dosent from weakness hit 20 :zap: firepower.

Burgermeister receives extra 4% damage for every eye stunned.


Only extra damage if after you hitting both Burgersmeister™ 3000’s eye. In CIU, Corn Shotgun has no weaknesses and strengths of all enemies and bosses.


I mean, sure. If you put it this way it’s just 1%
Though I want to add that it’s a 1% of 123 million players (stats from May 2023). More so, win7 and win8 will stop existing on Steam next year which will divide their percentage to other OSes. It will lower the player count though.

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there’s still the standalone version for those people, until that one cuts off support too


I wasn’t talking about standalone. Pls only relevant stuff.
You can’t measure accurate marketshare of all computer in the world. For Steam players it is possible.

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weakness burgermeister eye stunned for extra damage. i’m so confused!

There is already a “lead/official” translator for Vietnamese who can override these with their own translation.

Fixed in v.141 :medal_sports: Bug

Is this somehow related to the wormhole? Or does it happen all the time? Perhaps you’ve set a very low value for “Exhaust size (idle)”

Acknowledged. For performance reasons name hiding around wormholes doesn’t happen constantly. The same thing happens when a player leaves a wormhole – their callsign will not be shown until the trip is over.

Fixed in v.141 :medal_sports: Bug

Acknowledged, will fix.

I have a note in my code that I tried this, but it wasn’t as simple as it sounds. Workaround: Move the mouse to the bottom-right corner.

Fixed in v.141 :medal_sports: Bug


Yes, it is. Recruits sometimes have big exhausts (as if they were traveling to another star system). But now I can only see their idle exhausts (they may be because I’m at the center of the wormhole, but I’m not so sure).

The picture that OfficialK sent was from a few days ago, and I was at a different part of the wormhole at the time, so he (or other recruits) may not see my exhaust.

No, it does not.

I wouldn’t consider this “very low”;
Tomorrow I’ll change my ship to see if there is a different outcome.


also @HeroWither16 help me finding this too
share him a medal too.