CIU version 140


This update replaces the “Ultimate Omelette” episode with the full “Revenge of the Yolk” episode in CIU, directly playable from your Profile screen. This is a temporary and experimental feature, so enjoy it while you can, and report bugs here.

Also, Christmas content has been added to mobile versions of the game. It will be automatically activated about 3 weeks before Christmas, or you can manually enable it now through Options → Seasonal Content.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You will lose:

  • any mid-mission progress
  • your language selection
  • your seasonal content setting


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.

v140.2 (BETA only)

  • :bug: Bossa Nova boss: “Nova storm” attack chunks no longer drop coins (@JustDoIt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Halloween: Fixed missing CI5 1X starfield (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Galactic Store: Fixed all cuisines costing 1 key (@nguyenvanvu27032005g :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Fixed colorization being delayed by 1 frame when previewing backgrounds (@ans1382 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: “Attacking barrier”: Added red flare when firing (to match “Shoot the Core” barriers) (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Multiplayer: Fixed incorrect enemy placement when joining waves “Stacker”, “Effervescence” (caused by incomplete serialization of interpolated values) (@kAPET :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Multiplayer: Fixed wrong wave music playing when joining (most evident when joining on the 2+ stage) (@kAPET :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: “Chicken Vending Machine”/“Freshly Packed Vending Machine” wave: Barriers now have consistent orientation (@Lunatico :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Fixed number spilling out of owned equipment list item (@mean_hieu :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3U/CI4U/CI5U Messengers and speech bubbles now use the color theme’s “highlight” color for emphasis text (@Madder :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Color Themes: Increased text contrast for dark text on light background (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :new: Profile screen: Replaced “Ultimate Omelette” with “Revenge of the Yolk” episode (experimental).

  • :bug: CI3: Weapon now reverts to Ion Blaster lv.0 after Prologue (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Prologue boss no longer drops gift/atom (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3: UCO and Yolk-Star rayguns are now rendered using CI3-style metal (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: CI3: Prologue: Added “boss cry” sound and shake (@OfficalK12 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: Now uses CI3-style (rather than CI4-style) Space Burger (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed “So begins your adventure…” wave title (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed enemies having health corresponding to upcoming (rather than current) chapter (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Balloon chicken health now depends on number of balloons (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Missile Strike” wave now drops coins (@OfficalK12 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 Intro cutscene: Enemy is now shown flying from Yolk-Star towards player (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Removed warp after Prologue chapter (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Shifted weapon drops one chapter later (i.e., ignoring Prologue chapter) (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 Balloon chicken: Fixed pop/deflate sounds not being played if starting number of balloons is less than maximum (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 Huddle wave: Groups now rotate (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 Terminators wave: Added subtitle (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 Comet Chase: Enabled Pecking Order bonus (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “Egg Drone” wave (double): Removed extraneous enemies (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “We’re Surrounded” wave (variation): Sped up enemies (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “Meteor Storm” chapter: Added wave numbers (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “Meteor Storm” last wave: Added “Last one!” subtitle (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Forced chequered chickens throughout last chapter (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Yolk-Star now has correct number of damage stages (@OneWingLunarian @ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “The chicken wave” wave: Removed safe zone (@lehungaikatsu2k3 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Eggships approaching from behind” wave: Fixed size of danger zone (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed seam in galaxy texture (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “A mysterious ship approaches…”: added subtitle (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “We’re surrounded!” wave (variation): fixed enemy count (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Re-rendered pain expression of boss chicken (light shadows, top beak moves) (@Taubsi :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3 galaxy map: Star systems are now cyan (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “Treasure Chest” wave: Doubled number of chests to match CI3 (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 “Entering egg-drone minefield” wave: Enabled Clean Sweep bonus (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3 “Classic Invasion” wave: Chickens enter lower to avoid crashing into player (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3 “Comet Chase” waves: Starfield now always scrolls fast (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3 Yolk-Star boss: Number of ray guns now depends on skill (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed getting kicked out by server after completing entire mission (120/121 wave discrepancy) (@hieudang :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3: “Chicken Trigonometry” wave renamed (was “Chicken Geometry”) and is now more faithful to CI3 (@Knightcap @OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: “Treasure Shower” wave: Prevented almost-horizontal headings (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3 waves: Fixed cases of enemies spawning on-screen (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3 waves now use CI3 asteroid texture (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Mother-Hen and “Striptease” boss: Damage stage progression is now non-linear (later stages have more health) (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Added Thanksgiving-themed CI4 starfield (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: “Pizza delivery saucer” cutscene now plays original CI3 explosion sound (@OneWingLunarian @PlasmaX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “A mysterious ship approaches…” number of beams depends on skill (4 to 6) (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3/CI4/CI5 now use their corresponding messengers in-mission (not just in cutscenes) (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: “Double Trouble” waves: Chickens now fly in from the sides (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Reinforcements” waves: Fixed enemy speed (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Attack of the Clone” wave: Fixed enemy size (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “UCO3” wave: Red laser now always appears (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Fixed potential server crash due to incomplete translation of numeric digits.

  • :bug: CI5: “Water” level: Fixed cases of enemies disappearing prematurely (@Sammarald :medal_sports::medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI5: “Cave” level: Fixed cases of enemies disappearing prematurely (@Sammarald :medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Eggship” eggs now always appear underneath (even in Pro Gamer mode) (@HuyTheKiller :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: BETA: Can now use < > keys to skip to previous/next wave (@Knightcap )

  • :bug: Balloon chicken: Rework damage effects (multiple flares can now be displayed as balloons pop). Also fixed wrong flare color/placement in CI3 (@Error_Bonnie :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Lost” cutscene: Spacecraft now fully disappears at end of cutscene (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI5: “High-speed chase” wave: Enemies in eggshells now bank properly (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Coins are now colorized bronze, silver, and gold (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: “Win 1” cutscene: Fixed certain exhausts becoming visible briefly at wrong location (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed “UCO 1” health (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Comet Chase” waves: Reduced number of comets to match CI3 (@Sammarald)

v.140.3 (BETA only)

  • :bug: CI3: “Lost” cutscene: Fixed certain exhausts becoming visible briefly at wrong location (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3: “Comet Chase” waves: Increased number of comets again (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: “Nap” cutscene: Now uses CI3 asteroid sprite (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Chicken Trigonometry” wave (variation) now spawns 5 simultaneous groups (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed boss health progression to be monotonic (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: “Droid Raid” missions: Most waves now speed up depending on difficulty (@DePeeper @505 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: Prevented charity from dropping on wave 1 (on SSH) (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed Christmas skinning of asteroids as snowballs (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed seasonal theming of Prologue “chicken boss cry” sound (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed Lightning Fryer being incorrectly preserved when re-connecting on wave 1. (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Fixed earth texture border issue (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Translations: “kg”, “km”, and “K” are now translatable (@VerMishelb)

  • :gear: Translations: Fixed “Approve existing translation” button appearing inappropriately when no existing translation exists and player translation is invalid (e.g. incorrect number of $) (@VerMishelb @Viola )

  • :bulb: CI2/CI3/CI4/CI5 now use their native fonts (experimental).

  • :gear: Added official translators to credits.

  • :bug: Fixed UCO3 red laser sound frequency (@Nyehmeh @OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Thanksgiving: Changed CI3 boss rendering order of limbs (@Piotrek1113 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI5: Cutscene messenger now uses the color theme’s “highlight” color for emphasis text (instead of yellow).

  • :bug: CI3: Intro boss is now properly seasonally themed (@ans1382 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Weapon switch from Lightning to Ion Blaster now takes place after cutscene (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Intro 3” cutscene. Fixed messenger timing (@iIfireIi :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Fixed glyph cache inefficiency (codepoints 32-127 were being stored twice).

  • :gear: Fixed glyph cache inefficiency (on low memory or UVE mode change, cache texture would be cleared but current cursor position would not).

  • :bug: CI4 Messenger: Fixed subscript scaling (@Sihok-Adssres @2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI4 “Mysterious” boss: Swapped wave title and subtitle (@Sihok-Adssres :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3: Removed “wave XX/XX” from boss waves (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Idea)

v.140.4 (BETA only)

  • :bug: Fixed CI2 TTF codepoints (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Pro-gamer mode: Allowed more time for CI3 and CI4 messengers to finish displaying mission codename (@damhaiyen @lehungaikatsu2k3 @DeadlyKevin :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: CI3: UCO1 boss: Firing pattern now depends on skill (@damhaiyen @lehungaikatsu2k3 @DeadlyKevin :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI3: Removed font effects from medium font (@ordinary_ryxt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: UCO explosion now uses CI3 colors (@Flame_Spacecraft :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Disabled font caching for in-mission messengers in RTL languages (fixes issues of glyphs being chopped off) (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: In-mission messengers: Fixed glyphs being chopped off in RTL languages (@Bandicoot :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Christmas: Fixed CI5 metal chicken (elf) skirt color below belt (was white).

  • :bulb: CI4: Seasonally themed cutscene chicken puppets (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: CI5: Seasonally themed cutscene chicken puppets.

  • :gear: CI3 font now includes Extended Latin / Cyrillic / Vietnamese glyphs (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI4/CI5 “Galaxy” cutscene: Fixed spawn location of glints to always lie within visible screen (long-standing bug from original games).

  • :bug: CI3/CI4 “Galaxy” cutscene: Halloween now uses green colorized galaxy (@ans1382 @OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Fixed crash when not even a single glyph could fit in a font cache line (e.g., possible with iOS large system font and 0xA9C2 Unicode codepoint)

  • :gear: Moderated callsigns are now treated as empty (triggering MUSTSETCALLSIGN)

  • :gear: Mobile: Made it harder to accidentally trigger “crash requested”.

  • :gear: League: Fixed crash when trying to load more league data (trying to overwrite an already-existing exchange).

  • :bug: CI5: Chicken puppets are now based on CI5 breed (was previously copied from CI4) (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: Multiplayer joining players now use Ion Blaster lv.0 (was previously Lightning Fryer lv.10) (@OfficalK12 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Compare screen: Per-hour values are now displayed with an extra fractional digit (i.e. only values above 10 are now rounded to integers) (@2sN :medal_sports: Idea)


  • :bug: CI3 “Comet” cutscene: Fixed text timing (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI5 “Fan” cutscene: Fixed fan sound fading out together with music (@Error_Bonnie :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI5 “Henterprise rematch” cutscene: Music now fades out when cutscene ends.

  • :bulb: Droid Raid missions: Toned down difficulty-based speedup (+100% became +50%, +50% became +35%) (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Idea)


  • :bug: CI3: Fixed crash on wave 1 (caused by chicken face texture residing in CI4 wad) (@KnockoffFeline @“Tohka Yukigami” :medal_sports: Bug)


  • :bug: CI3: Fixed crash on wave 3 (caused by balloon chicken face texture residing in CI4 wad) (@SolarFlare :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Fixed long-standing bug of SERIALIZABLE class macros propagating public (rather than private) access to subsequent members.

  • :gear: Improved startup time by removing unnecessary font filters (@SolarFlare :medal_sports: Idea)


Chicken Invaders 2 Universe coming soon…
Anyways first comment :smiley:

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BUG: When hosting a multiplayer room, the host spawns with the firepower upgrade he purchased before, while others spawn with the normal 0

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Are you talking about CI3 specifically? This is expected. Players joining on “Prologue” will have Ion Blaster lv.0, because I can only pick a single default weapon for the entire mission.


Yeah but the host spawns with lv.10… is that normal??

Yes. That’s how the Prologue works in CI3 for single-player.


Oh alright, so that means that in multiplayer, everyone should have lv10 at the start or only the host?

Usually, callsigns use the same usual text font, but I’ve never seen this kind of text font for a callsign in CIU. Is it normal?


Does can add sound scream of boss chicken in CIU when it starts attack?

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Yeah, they must be using a different kind of alphanumeric characters using Unicode.

Which boss?

Regular/normal boss chicken

alr in the original ci3
don’t you remember?

@InterAction_studios You might have missed me a medal, can you try giving it again?
Callsign: ThePeacekeepersError

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also i reverted back to old callsign (check it back in your dm iA)

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Finally a new CIU topic because I have a question for IA.

Do you ever plan to return to making linux native version? Wine/Proton works fine, but just asking.
For some time now, linux steam marketshare passed few important points.
These are the stats for October 2023.
Zrzut ekranu z 2023-11-25 12-31-45

As you can see Linux (whole) is more than Windows 7 and Windows 8 combined. And Also Linux (whole) is more than MacOS (whole). Now, we don’t have MacOS version of CIU on Steam, but it probably could come there?

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some people weren’t blessed with the gift of reading in this forum


Heh, “some” people. That’s underexaggeration.

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I used to be like this, but we don’t talk about that…

Thank you people for joining @Error_Bonnie 's party and the video will be soon here any hours, I will post here and gameplay videos channel on CI Discord