CIU version 140

So, I was thinking of having the Weekly being substituted with one of the full episodes, to spice things up a bit, like how the Dailies cycle between three different scenarios. That way, we’d have “easy” access to a Episode to play when we feel like doing it, instead of IA potentially have it cycle every update. The Weekly would never have the episode that is currently freely accessible (in this case, CI3U), so the Weekly would either be 5U, 4U or the standard 10x10 Hybrid Mission. The Episodes are 10-20 more waves than the usual Hybrid Mission, so it wouldn’t be take that much longer. You can also argue that the Episodes are Hybrid Missions as well.


To spice things up sure, but then why would players buy episodes if they are available freely in CIU?


Maybe something else could replace Weekly Challenges occasionally. I’m going to cook up an idea soon-ish…

Good hit.
It’s work to change

It’s known (whenever there’s a change in the contact status, the currest selection is reset). Not worth fixing.

Fixed in v.141.3 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.141.3 :medal_sports: Bug


Uh… is there something wrong here?

Bug ? sometimes your spaceship turns in opposite directions (in multiplayer).

How did that show up? All player spinning at once, or they were in anomally zone? Actually I don’t see any problem with it.

The tweak about ship directions were made due to the wave “Morning Rush Hour”, which made for us to have enough time to change direction and shoot.


No. I was playing with my friend and we were killing yolk star. Yolk appeared from bottom of the screen. After killing that we prepared for warp (stage clear animation) but I saw that my spaceship is turning in opposite direction.

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It behaves like that after this tweak I mentioned. It’s not likely a bug, btw.


ok thanks.Btw i can’t send any massages in your server of discord


aquarius got discord server add me

i can’t too join from discord server. i’m screwed :confounded:!

(Off-topic) I forgot to apply a specific role for you. Now you can chat.

(Off-topic) You can find it in both my profile card and bio.

eh what your discord name ill send request

Ummmm @InterAction_studios
I played CI3U as Host, and when finished the game, waves flown is 121/121 ( weird, there wasn’t an episode CI game over 120 waves)

The Prologue, which is a Wave 0 of sorts, is tracked on the counter. So, its not a bug.


Bug ? I don’t know how I explain but I think positions are wrong

Seeing 2 or more people in League with the same points is possible.
However, those points are just approximately:
Example : You see 2 people with 540,1 points
I am sure the higher rank person get more points than the other one
( 540,19323… vs 540,12330…, then the person with 540,19323… get higher rank because 540,19… > 540,12…)

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These words about the information of planets and stars are written in reverse