CIU version 140 BETA

if so but mispelled text of a intro cutscene ci4u so can change it.


can you change from thanksgiving background cutscene in ci4u…

Sorry, I was distracted.

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joining multiplayer give you 10 fp with lightning fryer instead of 0 fp with ion blaster?
(also if anyone alr report this before just reply below and i’ll remove)

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For the poll about the HUD for Episode Mission, iA had replied about their current plan.
But for the ones for CIU. I guess that mostly people like those HUDs.

I don’t know that if those HUDs are added, but they aren’t added to “Color Theme” setting, so where should they be in?

here maybe
more options to customize


BETA server is now off-line.


Fixed in v.140.4 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.140.4 :medal_sports: Bug


Will you please fix this messenger’s timing as well?

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Fixed in v.140.5 :medal_sports: Bug



BETA v.140.4 is now available.

This is the last planned BETA version.

Also, BETA server is now on-line.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from:


For this particular version?

I assume v140.5 is gonna be the final release, but as an experimental preview thus will still connect to BETA server for a while.

If I recall correctly, “Yeap… We’re doomed.” did not split into two parts in previous beta versions. Why would it do now in v140.4?

(original CI3 reference)


Yes, for v.140. There will be more betas for v.141+



Can official translators start their work and approve translations from the next update?

Speaking of official translators, how exactly does it work? Is our version simply preferred over other player’s?

I think, like giving a medal, we will be given this capability and an official confirmation button will be placed next to each translation.

If it was like this, you’d probably already see this in the beta.

We have to wait. Probably available in the main version.

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Is it possible to make Earth in the CIU remastereds has the same orientation of current real life time?