CIU version 137

does it needs to hide the user when report (anonymize player enabled)



just disconnect


You got stacked.

(Remember, everyone, touching the anomaly zone too early can endanger one’s career)


man. he got not skill issue too early

Hmm… maybe, but I’m not sure it would be worth it. The texture filters are grossly inefficient on certain platforms (iOS certainly) and would slow loading down significantly. Also, the music can’t possibly be included because (i) download size and (ii) I don’t own the rights to any of it.

Acknowledged, but the way that the “downwards” swoop attack has been implemented makes it unavoidable.

I didn’t bother back-porting the moving pupils because the turkey has a different eye shape and it would cause many complications. But I’ve made a note to look at this again.

This is a very hard bug to fix because it’s caused by the camera’s near clipping plane. It might potentially break a LOT of other things. But I’ll take another look.

I think the issue has more to do with the color of the starfield background than the seasonal edition. Fixing it might be more trouble than it’s worth. But I’ll look into it again.

I’ll see how this can be done.

It’s so that they are more visually distinct so you can tell weapons apart easier.

Not worth fixing. In most cases you can scroll the text upwards until doesn’t overlap.

Correct, but “Anonymize” is a global setting that affects all input boxes.

So now you know for next time :wink:


@InterAction_studios btw, why the these big chickens in “chicken multi.” are not turkeys in the thingsgiving edition?


But in wave: “Show’em who boss” is Big Turkey not Big Chicken. U.C.O. has been fixed, Turkey’s head is no longer.


i already know but in chicken multi, they are not turkeys

My friend here has achieved the impossible.

How is it possible, IA?


Maybe I guess they disconnect in time.
Idk, i haven’t tried it.

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He has cancelled the trip while traveling to another star system.

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possibly cancel off-road trip perfectly

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Stop off road trip/traveling between to hormwholes

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I’m thinking about adding a toggle to warp boost and warp drive so we can decide whether to use ultra speed/acceleration or not, instead of selling and rebuying (which of course isn’t like btd6, you lose a lot more keys due to low sellback value). :thinking:

Why does the “alien container” in the Christmas and Thanksgiving Edition have no smoke after being destroyed?

Christmas amd Thanksgiving right?

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Yes, killed the alien container, but no smoke. Standard, Easter and Halloween are have red smoke.

i think has low quality setting.