CIU version 136

Earlier, I told him to stop. But he won’t obey. He probably can’t be reasoned for now.

So… Should we mass flag him?

Guy probably just doesn’t fully understand forum features yet. Give it some time.

Most important one being the Quote tool, which is good for making multiple replies to multiple subjects in one post.


I can be very patient, yes. And I understand that he needs time to figure out how the forum features work. But, you know… We should still flag him. He made some mess in the forums by spamming posts and topics in the last few days. People are getting irritated by that.

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If they STILL don’t change their ways, then perhaps do that. Otherwise, give it a day or two.

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So be it. I’ll keep an eye on him and we’ll see what happens a few days later.


The wiki about him

Unlikely, i think. But IA may consider about it after reading these posts

Just trolling on @TitanSpeakerman - a naughty newcomer in our forum

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Actually we need to message him if we want to know.
Because I’m don’t even sure if wiki really correct - anyone can edit it.

I’m not sure if this forum allowed trolling or pranking, but please don’t.

Bui it makes sense. CI1 was released 24 years ago, he even started writing games since the early 1990s. At that time, he was 13-23 years old. Pretty impressive tbh

I’m keeping a closer eye on him, from the time this flood happened.

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@InterAction_studios Every medal after only 1 year and around 3 days (thx almira :slight_smile: )


W Neonep!

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Maybe the checkbox that mutes in-game music should also mute the galaxy exploration themes. It just feels inconsistent as is.

Is it just me or is the BX spacecraft blueprint are overlapping the UI?

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The BX Now Widescreen Fix.

@InterAction_studios After 136 versions, we still can’t add users to our contact list except by searching their names.

Can you add an “Add to contacts” button when we click on the spaceships around us and their information comes up? Sometimes it’s hard to search user names (Some of them have emojis or symbols)


The blueprint is considered to be “in the background”, so it’s a non-issue. It’s the same as e.g. when a large planet with rings also overlaps the UI on your Favourite missions screen.

I’m afraid that making it this easy would lead to too much spam-contacting by random strangers.


Well, when we apply, in the contacts section, the friend confirmation must be confirmed by the user. Requests will remain for example 7 days. If not approved, they will be deleted automatically.

Strange thing happened to me. I got disconnected from the game and when I entered, it showed, “Duplicate Login.” When I entered again, I entered CIU normally. Is this related to my internet connection.

If it displayed “Lost Inbound Connection”, then yes.
And when you try to log in immediately, it’ll show an error like you said: Duplicate login.
Wait for around 10 seconds and log back in will not show that error again.

It displayed “Other side is unresponsive.”
But maybe your second reason is correct.