CIU league talking place šŸ†

Heā€™s a coward, thatā€™s why he use the phaseouts.
Thereā€™s a way to ban items on public dares? Would like to push him down from his throne of lies loweing him to the real battlegrounds.


You should also enable ā€œTone down effectsā€ in options -> gameplay to minimize the vibration when picking up items and fighting hard.

I knew, i wanted to complete the mission faster (bomber = more damage)
KaizoKaioticVN, thx for advice

You really need to work on your english


Say something better instead of just giving us a stroke
Plus, You were telling me to delete my post and I donā€™t care

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Say it Better Instead of Killing Our Brains
My Brain Really want To Die Because of you

Eh I ignored 2sN so I canā€™t see what he is saying
But today when I woke up is a this huge number of replies in my topic




Yes Replies Happening Because Of 2sN

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you are stroke
i just dare me

Donā€™t worry about him, I wil send some challenge to shut his word

you canā€™t dare yourself


1st off, for everyone: should we move to chatting place or ia is gonna push the close button in this topic?
2nd of all, to you, 2sN, you just @ someone means you have pinged someone, pinging means that you mention someone in social media
3rd, like everyone said b4: work on your english and make people understand what you are saying, idc you confirm it, but improve if possible

as of rn, itā€™s isnt implemented in the game (or not)

tl:dr: work on your english, and improve your mentality

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not allowed from chatting place
look at this from ciu league screenshots

oh ok

Let them decide if weā€™ll move it to chatting place or not



you are just being toxic

of course SHUT UP!!
plz chatting place back