This One Isnt Real It Just On My Mind Because I Played A 100-100 Hard Mission With No Damage I Hope If It Was Real @interaction_studios will you make this medal,Please? (I PLAYED WITH H&C101 HATCHLING SHIP)

there already is a medal for not dying, what more do you want


My mind blew up

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You Read I Didnt Practice?,Played With Hatchling?,No Damage In 100-100 Mission?,Or Without Players?Or With No Sattelite?


the game doesnt need an incredibly specific medal that is just a combination of a few medals + a specific ship


no need


So you’re basically saying a medal that combines Greatest Chicken Hunter Of All Time, Medal of Extreme Unpreparedness, Outstanding One Man Army, Superior Budget Thriftiness, and an Elite Campaign Trophy into one well-deserved award?
Well… I don’t see why not.
Medal of Elite Extreme Henpire Annihilation “Hen Solo” Accolade.
Earn “Greatest Chicken Hunter Of All Time, Medal of Extreme Unpreparedness, Outstanding One Man Army, Superior Budget Thriftiness” on an elite mission, while flying the H&C 101 Hatchling.
This is going to show up in your Hall Of Fame.

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Ok If This was all medals in the medals hall so ok im very sorry…:slightly_smiling_face:

No no, it’s not about that. Getting ALL medals in one mission will get you that medal, along with what, a 500 KEY REWARD?!?!?!?! It’s iA’s call if they decide to add this.

But getting ALL medals, well…
iA will present to you the Medal of Medals.

What do you mean


You know how you can earn medals from completing a mission on the outcome screen?
Getting ALL medals from there will give you the Medal of Elite Extreme Henpire Annihilation “Hen Solo” Accolade.

And by iA’s Medal Of Medals…

It is with great pleasure that the UHF hereby announces the first recipient of the coveted* “Medal Medal”, awarded to the dilligent recruit that manages to collect all the medals.
Congratulations to @gabytzu for this lofty achievement on May 20th, 2120, and proving to all of us that collecting shiny metallic discs can be a worthwhile career goal.

The recruit himself has provided some interesting information:
| — | — |
|521|days since joining the UHF|
|532:57:56|flight time (22 full days of enjoyment)|
|50002|waves flown|
|2680|missions won|
|38|missions lost|
|60|missions surrendered|
|47563|earned medals|
|45|updates as an active player|
Perhaps the recipient would be gracious enough to provide us with some screenshots from his private medal collection?

You have made a dozen topics in the last 24 hours. Can you slow down please? I understand you’re excited but you’re rushing out your topics without troubleshooting or proofreading.


Yeah, notifications have gone explosive.

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A massive bomb called excited No.014 has exploded.

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