Chicken invaders Quiz 2

Hi again this is a new quiz
I will do a 10 quizzes
This is the second
If you got more than or equal to 110 points
You will win chicken hunter license
I added bonus questions to help you
But remember they are hard
liking this post will give you 1 more point XD.

What is the first game included the current vulcan chaingun ?
  • Chicken invaders universe
  • Chicken invaders 3
  • Chicken invaders 2
  • Chicken invaders 4
  • No correct answer

0 voters

When did UFO first get introduced ?
  • Chicken invaders 1
  • Chicken invaders 2
  • Chicken invaders 3
  • Chicken invaders universe
  • No Correct answer

0 voters

When was the last time the hero washed his windshield in the episodes?
  • 1 week before
  • 1 day before
  • 3 days before
  • 123 years before
  • No correct answer

0 voters

How many cutscenes are there from chicken invaders 1 - 5
  • 13
  • 35
  • 52
  • 51
  • No Correct answer

0 voters

What is the hero’s order?
  • Double chicken burger with 3 thick slices of chicken pie and a chicken salad without mayo
  • Chicken burger with extra cheese and pickles and medium sized bucket of chicken wings chicken salad hold the mayo and the salad and 3 thick slices of chicken pie
  • Double Chicken burger with extra cheese and tomatoes family sized bucket of chicken wings chicken salad hold the mayo and the salad 2 thick slices of chicken pie
  • Double chicken burger with extra cheese and pickles and family sized bucket of chicken wings and chicken salad hold the mayo and the salad and 3 thick slices of chicken pie
  • No correct answer

0 voters


How many ships were introduced to the franchise till now?
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 1
  • No correct answer

0 voters

When the yellow chicks first get introduced?
  • Chicken invaders 3
  • Chicken invaders 2
  • Chicken invaders 4
  • Chicken invaders universe
  • No correct answer

0 voters

What was the name of wave 108 in chicken invaders 4?
  • Enemy queue
  • Alien Container
  • Back to basic
  • Ultimate extreme square dance
  • No correct answer

0 voters

Canceled question

How many sec you should fire before destroying the first boss in chicken invaders 3 with rookie?
  • 10sec
  • 11sec
  • 12sec
  • 5sec
  • No correct answer

0 voters

Who was the mobile publisher for chicken invaders?
  • Betacom
  • Interaction
  • GameHouse
  • Steam
  • No correct answer

0 voters


What is the last boss you can damage in chicken invaders 1 before the bosses turns invincible? (Bonus question) 8 points
  • Boss number #2542656
  • Boss number #10000000
  • Boss number #214748360
  • Boss number #3266255527
  • Boss number #10000000000
  • No correct answer

0 voters

What do you think ?
  • Cool
  • Amazing
  • Yes…

0 voters

This is the end of the quiz i am going to close the quiz 2 days after
I hope you enjoyed
And remember you can win chicken hunter license
See you in the next topic



P.S I did not look up anything at all, or changed the answer

Well smth is clearly wrong xd

Imagine getting all of them righ5

1 Like

i will get at least 90% right

Wow :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:
But I don’t think I have much chance of winning my license.

What does that mean

Me too man, me too :c

1 Like

Don’t be so depressed try you may win

1 Like

i will not

(X) Doubt

i will post every week a quiz and i will close the quiz after 2 days now the questions's explanation

First question I am talking about the reworked vulcan chaingun

Second question
The first ufo got introduced in ci2 cutscene

Third question
This question is about a cutscene in ci3
The cutscene is before the red meteors where a meteor hit his windshield
So he said when did he washed it

Fifth question
Talking about hero’s order to space burger

Sixth question
They are five when we count the ci dos

Seventh question
If we count the chickens in ci3 easter edition

Check by seeing if i voted in the poll if i voted in your answer then it is right
See you next week with new quiz
I will post the scores shortly

Ahem, bonus wave.

But technically, you can never see that bonus wave, so the only time you can see that is through the cutscene.

Btw, you forgor to mention it’s CI4, but okay.

1 H&C
2 BX
3 Raven
4 Muller
5 Millenium hatchling
If we counted CI dos, that would be 6.

But there’s one in the regular CI3 too

Wait what ‽

In what ci did this get introduced

CI4 as an unlockable.
Which costs 1000 keys.

1 Like

I didn’t count them for some reasons