Well,you just posted an extremely large non meme in a memes topic,so if I follow your rules,you should be flagged.
Can you read? I already wrote that this discussion also will get flagged. I also wrote that I’ve run out of flags.
I didn’t know the off-topic thing annoyed you that much.Just mute it if you don’t like it.
I waited for that comment.
- It’s my own topic so I want to know what is going on with it
- I want to browse CI memes
Ah yes, I should remind you the 1337th time:
About the Off-Topic Category.
Anything not related to Chicken Invaders.
So now you can stop complaining about these off-topic posts because they were meant to not be related to Chicken Invaders. And before you say “But there are Chicken Invaders Off-Topic threads there!” I can also simply say those are for CI memes (like this one), which are not fully related to Chicken Invaders. You can browse CI memes since you made a topic here, but you yourself are destroying this topic with useless stuff too! Ironic, isn’t it? If you don’t want to see stuff not related to CI, mute the off-topic threads. This was already told to you before, but it looks like you won’t listen, and you probably won’t listen to me too, anyway. But worth trying, right? Also, if you keep doing dumb stuff to protest against off-topic category, I may as well suggest you to suggest a CI memes category, leaving the off-topic category to what it originally was created for.
You play games really well,Artemis Fowl.Type a link right now to a memes page that contains nothing other than memes.I also expected that comment and had my preprepared reply.
I may be wrong,but fine.
That’s, like, the 4th saddest statement I’ve seen today.
Name the top 3.
And that’s what I meant by the topic’s owner destroying their topic themselves.
Oh, by the way.
We can probably kiss goodbye TL3 for a while after this is over, unless users who already are TL3 don’t count. Which I doubt.
Oh well.I’m happy enough to stay “Member”.
staph oh my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@anon46675045, you probably realize it, but stop this. You’re just adding fuel to the fire.
Actual link???
Ohhh noooooo! Is that a thing which is not a chicken? Stupid! Must be flagged and banned! Boo-hoooooooo!