Chicken Invaders memes

? Did you replied in the wrong topic?

He meme ChickenCloudy from Youtube(I think?). He send the same thing to me and a lot of people in the coment section, when I told him to add in the title early access.


Oh, that makes sense.

It looked pretty absurd then.
Does anyone have the screenshots still?

DIdn’t find videos in question ,but I love his description that say Shoot Game or Shoot. It’s hilarious.

Look my topic:

Can you all stop posting stuff different than memes?

These damn kids, honestly it’s hard to comprehend what goes on their mind.

You were one of “thoſe damn kids” not ſo long ago. About 5 years, I’d ſay, judging by what I know of you.

Yeah, but I wasn’t like that, also, wrong, I was a kid one year ago, I matured relatevely recently.

I actually wonder when people started using ‘meme’ as simply every joke on the internet.

I feel like this is a meme that doeſn’t even require text:


Great. You noticed me


Why is that a meme?

Ye gods,you do sound old.

I know, I have a “old-person” personality.

At the age of what 12-22?
(I’m just assuming)

Oh.I’m 14.

Are you sure to bump an 9 months old #off-topic topic?

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New useful gif for guys

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