Chicken Invaders Memes V2

Just check out the “return to the forums” topic

It did , just try to do something worse , and you will be crying as heck , because you are making people hating you


I was trying to shut it down , you make space tighter for an innocent


For saying the truth. Simple.

I’m not crazy to do break rules.

Yes, everyone hates onions due to that.

You can’t please everyone as they say, and as if you yourself aren’t hated. You’re not an angel or something, you’re just someone on the internet after all.

He literally picked on me and Spryter for just expressing an opinion, and that post got 5 likes

So how do you explain your crictizing posts , and make an argument with medo , how irony

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They were just opinions

He had it coming, he insulted iA and used the classic “it wasn’t me” excuse

Because you both were misundertood all these times

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And I can’t criticize? Do you really expect to just empty a can of paint on a notebook and say that it should be in a museum for being so artistic and that no one will say that it’s not art? be realistic.

So you like people who break rules? Got it.

You made it tighter to him , also it wasn’t opinions , you can explain if it was bug or not , but he just insulted them


learn proper punctuation


ooohhhhh, that roasted him

You just insulted them , because they were misunderstanding a bug


The only way for you to be correct about that is to possess him or read his mind, and both of which are impossible.

“Just” insulted the owner of the site? “Just?”

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It didn’t

That’s enough for a ban

What bug exactly? It wasn’t a bug report. Also, iA made it very clear that he doesn’t care about who uses an account. If it’s under your account, it’s your fault no matter who it is.

Then why the heck is he here

you don’t , have to put spaces , before each , comma

This, is enough. No need for extra spaces before each comma, you know, and you don’t have to constantly use the commas. At this point it just becomes really painful for me to read

plus at least it looks 20 times neater

(yeah, i’m someone who gets annoyed from seeing broken english and/or improper punctuation)