Change in space race,Daily and Weekly Challenge missions in UHF Top 10 list according to the time and not according to the score

Hey @InterAction_studios Can you Change space race,Daily and Weekly Challenge mission in UHF Top 10 List according to time and not according to the score please in Early Access v26.1 please

Why? Space race exists for this.

Because When I’m using Superstar hero difficulty I get high score and It takes a long time to finish the mission
I’m using tourist I get lower score and It takes a short time to finish the mission

So…? I don’t see your point. Use ssh,then. If you want a mission where the goal is to finish as quickly as possible,play space race. That’s literally why it exists. You can also play the anniversary mission and try to finish it as fast as possible,there’s a leaderboard for that,too.


When I’m using SSH I lost lives in game

So? It’s supposed to be hard. Risk more to get rewarded more.


Which requirment Can I use in SSH Difficulty


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just not understand me


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I saw the man With Brown Cloth putting his cigarette in his face

I’m speechless

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Why you said I’m speechless

Okay, I think I know what your problem is.
Moreover, I think I have a solution:


Once could use Tourist mode to finish it as fast as possible, so it wouldn’t be possible.

Because I’m speechless?

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