Cannonade bosses as Separate bosses

So the smoll cannonade bosses are only exclusive to the whole boss. This suggestions adds 2 bosses with minimal effort, and both have an extra copypaste attack.

Cannonade phase 2: Vitro-Molecular Artilery. This fase/boss has 2 attacks. Destroyable egg and spray Cheetos (or how you call it.). Including an extra attack would make the boss unique and hard.
Laser pointing. 3 of the Boss’s lasers on the side of the cannon point at the targeting ship, while the others point at random directions. Laser delay is the same as the Egg cannon.

Cannonade phase 3: lil’ cannon. This boss also has 2 attacks, but ading more would also not hurt.
Chicken wall (goons): after the laser wall, x chickens will come out forming a wall. after 20 secs, the chickens will break formation (imagine ufo enemy), and a new wave will spawn when the time comes. 1 chicken per 25%, with a base number of 2. chickens can be whatever.

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