Bug detected or its not bug idk

when the battle with its getting colder in space began, the hero said: “ha, prepare to die, you oversized peashooter”
Is this a bug or a feature?

edit: proof to knightcap

no. :grinning:

Random quips can be applied to the bosses, including a couple of unique ones. Its not a bug.

Can you give us your proof image?

i forgot to screenshot :neutral_face:

Then try to find it again and capture the screenshot.

This quote is suposed to play for the Egg Cannon/Cannon Cannon Cannonede only from what i know, at least judging by CI4. I’m not sure if it’s intended to play on other bosses in Universe as well.

i screenshoted proofs

Need an English text.
or someone know what it say, hope you tell us for him.

translate: i got u now you oversized peashooter
maybe its a localization bug

It’s a problem with the translation. The English is “Hah! Prepare to die!” (which is a generic boss quip), but the translation mentions “oversized pea-shooter”, which is a quip specifically for Egg Cannon.

Now if we only had an official translator that could fix this cough @VerMishelb cough

Never mind, I’ve removed the translation myself.


I am extremely confused (that’s an older exported file from beta 149)

There are (well, were) two translations. One is correct (the one you see for QUIP_BOSS_GENERIC_LAST in your Excel, i.e. “Ха! Готовься к смерти!”), and the other one is problematic (“Ха! Готовься к смерти! Ты,увеличенный горохострел!”), but since it’s more recent, it takes precedence.

Neither translation is yours (or “approved” by you), so it’s a tie.


I see, so I can’t ever rely on the automatic suggestion being the same for everyone?

It should be the same for everyone. I’ll run some tests…


I’ve exported the current one and I only see one entry with “peashooter” (горохострел), so it is different.

You’re looking at the wrong entry. Look for QUIP_BOSS_GENERIC_LAST.


So this expected in the new export, because I’ve deleted the bad translation.

However, your v.149 beta export should have shown “Ха! Готовься к смерти! Ты,увеличенный горохострел!”, but it did not. Investigating.


The 149 entry is identical (so is 140).