Bug at wormhole

When you start wormhole mission the game hides waves and time and put ??% but when wave starts it shows you the number of waves

Explanation: Before starting the mission, you already know how many waves there are. Only spaceship loses connection


Yeah iA added this bug… I mean this noice detail for a purpose and also bcz your ship lose connection when entering a wormhole so… Makes sense to me :eyes:


If because I was playing online its not because I played another single player and that happened again (Please Interaction fix this)

I actually didn’t get what are you referring to bside making wave number on screen displayed same as HUD.
Actually, only player spaceship got lost connection to UHF when you entered any wormhole. Like kAPET said, that noice detail for a purpose.

(plot twist comes in to play)

It doesn’t matter which mode you were playing (single player, multi, etc.), so don’t misunderstand it.

The reason why this bug exist is also the same reason why this game is 100 years far away.

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It’s intended. It’s there just for cool effects.

That’s the point


how to close it?

ping iA i guess

@InterAction_studios please close this topic

How did you even get to this conclusion? Haven’t you gotten a warning that you were about to reply to a topic that’s been inactive for almost a year? Which page were you looking at before you have found this topic?

there’s a warning?


It should have appeared, but after some testing, I have found that it doesn’t, at least on mobile. Why is that?

Do you mean this topic? GEN Discussion/Feedback - #229 by InterAction_studios
The only post mentioning “wormhole” is about DePeeper suggesting to promote more Retro missions on highlights, but that’s irrelevant.

I didn’t ask for the last topic you visited, I meant the very last page you looked at before replying to this topic.

… Because that function doesn’t exist, I guess?

I thought that would’ve been clear enough, I happened to visit this topic after reading some GEN news.

It does, in fact, exist. It’s just that it’s exclusive to the desktop version for no bloody reason. Is it possible to make this warning appear on mobile as well?