Boss Idea #6: 🎾 Chickleball

Fastest Idea Completion Ever.

Hi guys, i’m back with new simple idea, this time is another sport-motif boss. Here’s the design:

At 100% difficulty, its health is 250,000 just like most bosses in the game. The screen will still be kept at 100% zoom. Here’s its attacks.

Chickleball utilizes only two attacks, which make it become one of the bosses that have very few number of attacks. Chickleball uses steel pickleballs as its only weapon; the balls can either ricochet off four edges of the screen at a random angle after being struck by racket or hopping at the bottom of the screen after being thrown.

1) Ricochet Ball

The balls after being launched will ricochet 6 times, meaning that at the 7th time touching one of 4 edges it will disappear.

2) Hopping Ball

The balls in this attack will hop at the bottom of the screen for 5 times, meaning that at the 6th time touching one of the 3 edges (left, down, right) it will disappear.

The order of the attacks is randomized, but the 1st is always the attack to begin the fight. Delay between each executed attack is 3.5s. In that delay duration, Chickleball will move to random place, but it will always stay in the top half of the screen.

So what do you think about this idea? Leave your thought in the comment section below!


The circle with the number 1 inside it is the spacecraft position, which show that the boss will directly attack at you. That also explains the ricochet angles may depend on both boss and your spacecraft position!

give boss a unique soundtrack


For real…

And add lyrics too if possible

Gif containing video

Alr next time i’ll add this right into the first post

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