Block topic with fixed problem (ANTI-USELESS-BUMP system)

Oh, new glitch, i will check it


but this glitch fixed

Okay, what happend ? Nothing, just spammer

What do you mean ?

You keep bumping old topics nobody cares about.

Why the heck? You keep bumping incredibly old topics for no reason. You, sir/madam, needs to stop spamming. You even bumped my “I’m back” topic!

I’m not spamming ! And I don’t want to make a fight with you

Me too! :angry: Maybe you shouldn’t have replied on my old topic in the first place!

You are! Do you want to get banished outta here?

Don’t say that, i don’t wan’t to get suspended like last time.
And, no arguements, please.

We said that to him.

Even if you do that, no.

I’ve closed some of the more recent solved bug topics. Hopefully people won’t go digging much further back.