Backwards-firing weapon

Firſt of all, ſome credit muſt go to @anon27929001 for encouraging me to take this concept ſeriöuſly.

This is a compound weapon with two parts: a volley weapon and an auto-targeting/auto-locking weapon.

The volley weapon ſhould be ſimilar to the ion blaſter except for the following things:

  • It fires in reverſe- that is, the volley travels downwards in normal play.
  • The projectiles aren’t evenly ſpaced around the arc- there is a higher concentration towards the middle.
  • Different graphics- the projectiles ſhould be yellow, although I’m not ſure about ſhape.

The auto-targeting weapon ſhould work as follows:

  • After releaſing the fire button, it ſhould remain firing for 0,5 ſeconds. This is ſo that one can maximize the volley ſhots through manuäl firing and have a continuöus beam.
  • Upon opening fire, it ſhould target the cloſeſt enemy to the ſhip, wherever it may be on the ſcreen (There are no limits to the firing angle).
  • It ſhould continue aiming at the ſame target until either 1) another enemy gets between the ſhip and the target, in which caſe the enemy in the way becomes the new target, 2) The target dies, in which case the new target is the enemy which requires the leaſt rotation of the beam from its previöus angle (note that this has nothing to do with the diſtance from the ſhip), or 3) the player ſtops firing for over 0,5 ſeconds.
  • It ſhould have around 10% of the total damage per ſecond when firing the volleys manuälly, except at very low firepowers, when it ſhould be more powerful relative to the total.
  • As for the graphics, I don’t know; maybe a red ſquiggle ſuperimpoſed on a pinkiſh/purpliſh/dark blue background beam? The beam ſhould be ſtraight while ſtill looking like an auto-targeting weapon.

Right, now that I’ve explained the mechanics, here are a few notes:
The overheat rate ſhould be low, but higher than that of the ion blaſter.
The damage ſhould be nice and high to make up for the difficulty in uſing this weapon; automatic weapon balancing ſhould help balance this out at leaſt a bit.
The preſent ſhould be a red or purple ribbon (repreſenting the beam) on a yellow box (repreſenting the volley weapon), and if poſſible ſhould alſo be depicted as upſide-down ('cuz, duh).

The only thing that’s miſſing is the name. I’ve no clue as to that.


So the volley part and the auto-targeting part would fire simultaneously?

As far as I’m understanding, yes, fires projectiles to cover your back, and a beam on the front.
Sounds as a good idea for surrounding scenarios (I’m thinking of you, pulsating grid -.-)

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Geez, can you at least write normally when creating a topic? It’s so hard to read (not that the topic itself was easy to read) that I had to normalize your topic. You think it makes you special?

normalized version

First of all, some credit must go to Orandza for encouraging me to take this concept seriously.

This is a compound weapon with two parts: a volley weapon and an auto-targeting/auto-locking weapon.

The volley weapon should be similar to the ion blaster except for the following things:

  • It fires in reverse- that is, the volley travels downwards in normal play.
  • The projectiles aren’t evenly spaced around the arc- there is a higher concentration towards the middle.
  • Different graphics- the projectiles should be yellow, although I’m not sure about shape.

The auto-targeting weapon should work as follows:

  • After releasing the fire button, it should remain firing for 0,5 seconds. This is so that one can maximize the volley shots through manual firing and have a continuous beam.
  • Upon opening fire, it should target the closest enemy to the ship, wherever it may be on the screen (There are no limits to the firing angle).
  • It should continue aiming at the same target until either 1) another enemy gets between the ship and the target, in which case the enemy in the way becomes the new target, 2) The target dies, in which case the new target is the enemy which requires the least rotation of the beam from its previous angle (note that this has nothing to do with the distance from the ship), or 3) the player stops firing for over 0,5 seconds.
  • It should have around 10% of the total damage per second when firing the volleys manually, except at very low firepowers, when it should be more powerful relative to the total.
  • As for the graphics, I don’t know; maybe a red squiggle superimposed on a pinkish/purplish/dark blue background beam? The beam should be straight while still looking like an auto-targeting weapon.

Right, now that I’ve explained the mechanics, here are a few notes:
The overheat rate should be low, but higher than that of the ion blaster.
The damage should be nice and high to make up for the difficulty in using this weapon; automatic weapon balancing should help balance this out at least a bit.
The present should be a red or purple ribbon (representing the beam) on a yellow box (representing the volley weapon), and if possible should also be depicted as upside-down ('cuz, duh).

The only thing that’s missing is the name. I’ve no clue as to that.

Overall it’s pretty weird weapon (due to having 2 parts that behave differently and 0,5 seconds firing) and before I speak against it or in favor of it, I would like to test it in the game first.

Yes. The point of the auto-targeting is to give at leaſt a little omnidirectional firing for waves in which all the chickens are above you.

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Juſt to clarify, the 0,5 ſeconds is to make it ſo that as I ſpam the fire button the beam will ſtay on and fire continuöuſly.

Yup. And likely a terrible weapon for a great many waves, but it’d arguäbly have more diſtinguiſhing characteriſtics than ſeveral of the exiſting ones, and it’d ſure have character.

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