I was playing with my friend Multiplayer and I lost my life, the hosting player’s spaceship direction was facing up normally, and when I lost my life the satellites don’t face the same direction as my spacecraft do, they face their direction with the hosting player but not me, it also make it harder to pick the satellites again after I recovered, it because my spacecraft faces a direction and satellites are facing a different direction, Can you fix this bug please, InterAction Studio?
Idk if this is a bug and it didn’t happen to me before
but I need to know more about this
1- does satellite slot (the circle shape) appear when you get close to satellite
2-does it happen when you only die
3-did it happen at offline mode before
4-do you join matchess that seems lagy or so slow or have bad wifi
no, my friend had good WIFI and I didn’t lag, also the satellite slot appears but I can’t take it up quickly also it happens when I die.
Everything (except cuisine type) is always be overridden by the host. This includes facing directions of satellites.
maybe the colleting radius gets shorter when you die
so, it is hard to get satellite when you die
not exactly, this doesn’t happen
ok idk what is this
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