About The Suns

So here I am back with another Idea
The idea was already suggested and why am I do it again?
Because I want to bonus some Idea to it


About the massive environment

1. Small Sun (Red Sun)

The spacecraft will move faster (almost unlimited) in the mission depending on the Mass also with an minus next to the “Massive” environment. (Bomber type not affect)

2. Normal Sun (Yellow Sun)

Nothing happen with it but spacecraft will move slow or fast also depending on the Mass

3. Big Sun (Blue Sun)

The spacecraft will move slower (Slower than the Yellow Sun but not more slow like Bomber type spacecraft) in the mission. Still depending on the Mass also with an plus next to the “Massive” environment. (Bomber type not affect)

Here is the picture of the Suns from small to big:

So what do you guys think
  • Yes, this is a good idea.
  • Nah, I don’t think so.
  • IDK

0 voters

Sorry my mistake :frowning:
Im also to lazy to draw it more good


gravity is affected by mass, not by temperature


Oh I didn’t know that ._., let me fix it

Moreover, the color of a star is determined not only by temperature of a star, but also the phase of a star.

This classification is only applied for main-phase stars. Supergiant stars’ color is based on many aspects. If you want to make stars become realistic, should you mention those stars too ?


Also, CIU only contains main sequence stars.
Drawf stars (expect black drawf stars), neutron stars, and theoritically stars such as black drawf stars should be added too.


Here, basically even H&C will be as heavy as the bomber due to immense gravity

Acutally, neutron stars are intense denser than spacecrafts. Only a spoon of a neutron stars have a mass of a mountain.

I think neutron stars are comparable to blackholes since supergiants die they either turn to either one of these

neutron stars are the craziestvthing after black holes

on this note, the spacecraft will be just a bit smaller than the neutron star, by checking the size

Not really.
The black sphere of a black hole you can see is the event horizon space. All the mass of a black hole is contained in a singularity. No one know what exactly a singularity is, both the density or what it really is. Based on Theory of relativity, a black hole is a point in the space-time, that means the density of a black hole is infinity kg/m2.
Based on Quantum mechanics, a singularity of a black hole have mass and space, but of course, so dense that are no bigger than a nanometer of sphere.
Compared to infinity of course is impossible, but compared to a singularity of a black hole in Quantum mechanics, neutron stars are way less denser, both in the total mass and the density.

Of course a spacecraft is big nearly as a neutron star, but way less denser.

also should we have this star, most powerful version of neutron stars

Heh, of course, but magnetars will have different aspects compared to neutron stars:

This will increase toxic chicken count around these stars for additional detail.

Kinda good.

i also think due to huge gravity, there will be no planets around these stars, if they were there (if close enough) will be torn apart, forming an asteroid belt.

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