About Swiching Special-Weapon... And Secondary Weapon Slot

Hello There… Since the first day released of the CIU, you guy (IA Studio) continous make many new waves, dangerous enemies… give Hard-players a lot of difficult challenges…
You guy dont pay much attention to game mechanic, most important is Spacecraft improvements!!!
Such like in this situation…

  • How can i survive a Horizontal Super Hard “Asteroids” wave with “Absorber Beam” and somes of “Damage Amplier” ??? Or I just give up when i meet this situation ???
    I highly recommend these feature for the future update…

Anybody agree ???

Note: Someone should tell some Death-situations in “Reply” too …

Already suggested.

Many more to mention

And special wepns requested a lot and denied because mobile

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Mobile has limited a lot of good features, besides people are just going to flock to Steam because PC version will lack ads (unless it doesn’t, in which case people will flock to other games because Steam games+ads don’t sit well)


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