About Ironman Competition

I don’t think it’s properly “unfair”, but that’s not to say it couldn’t be much better, either. Cowards are bad, I think we all agree, and it makes weapon diversity skewed even more towards the weapon that’s already got the best balance of multi-kill/pecking order capabilities and is therefore best scoring.

tl;dr - We need to stop balancing things to Plasma. Plasma needs some weaknesses.


It’s uhh unfair, like I get it it’s “Ironman” (like real Ironman, it is like an entire course, having you to master all of the PE subjects),

  • cowards: forcing you to use absolver, even absolver doesn’t do anything to these fast bois,
  • environments: fighting ptsd: fast paste bosses like crab 2.0, double ucho (not a threat), and especially corridor, OH GOD this wave is the hardest out of all of them, you have to focus, like a lot, toxics blocking your way while you’re trying to go to the next direction with lightning, and fast projectiles seems way too unfair
  • double team: zoom is needed, ofc
  • bullet speed: this only affects for bosses tho imo, crab 2.0 is an exception, it literally fires as fast as v.10.1’s and you have no way to dodge it bc you have to dodge like 7 things in a row

You mean plasma, right?

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who in their right mind would use absolver here


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