A special letter before I go offline for a long time

I would like to write this down as a whole topic, because this place gave me a lot of “memoirs”.

Since the first day, I joined the forum around v110 (probably earlier, but forum glitch jailed me xd), I have to admit that I was a very cringe guy, as people said. But till now, through this forum, I had met a lot of friends in here, who not only guided me to control myself to completely went over my “cringe” cover, but also helped me being better and better from time to time.
Special thanks to Starbrockle (StarB), 4-FX for staying with me from this very first moment :heart_decoration:

And throughout the years, I met even more good friends, not only in here, but also from the biggest, greatest game ever, which we still entertaining: Chicken Invaders.

Thanks to Error_Bonnie (ThePeacekeeperRecruitment), kAPET (medo_the_legendary), Bandicoot, Error (Đàm Thị Hải Yến), HeroWither (Windows XP Product), Paimon (PH Paimon), rggyxt (rogy), Luna (OneWingLunarian) [These 2 friends are special], ahubx12 (x676x), OfficialK12 (Litten) and even more, who stayed with me at any moments; sad, happy, funny, depress, confess.

I started to know about Chicken Invaders Series when I was 6, and that was the real funny moment for me at that naive age. From time to time, I still cannot forget the time where I met my first villian ever in my life: The Yolk-Star. Now, I still enjoying it in my free time, at any place, in any platforms. To be honest, it is the funniest game to play ever, for me.

@InterAction_studios I have to say thank you for creating such a good series throughout the time, with a lot of surprises from every CI games you made. Probably I will support your developments, I know it’s only minority, but it should somewhat help your developments being better and better. I hope, when I came back, I could find even more surprises from you. Also, I wish you got a lot more players who loved your game as much as I did, and being better with your coding skill, wish to your developments space being safer and safer from cyberattacks, DDoS, raid, and literally anything harmful. Have a good day, keep improving and yes I will scream if you don’t have any surprise xd

Also, thanks to this place, where I got a lot of memoirs, from “being jailed” by a glitch to “special treatments” to the raids, united to fight back the morons. Sure enough, you guys will soon found Fira in oblivion, if some doesn’t, I’d be very happy.

As Lunar New Years is coming close in my country, I wish everyone a good day and a prosperous new year. (Well… I don’t know what to say more, because my English is still not good, sorry xd).

Thank you all for spending time reading this letter. It’s my feelings before leaving for a long time, so I’d appreciate that :blush:
If I didn’t tag anyone who still with me to this letter, I sincerely sorry but I cannot remember all.

  • Regards

We ll miss you hope you come back soon
Fira :wink:

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legends never die
We will not forget you

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Good bye Fira_DA :raised_hand:

I’ll miss you too much to see you in the future.


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Oh, didn’t expect to have me at that, anyways, good luck on your journey.
I also have a journey to do too ( with my incoming Graduation Test ) , better prepared…

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Have fun Fira!


Take care of yourself :palms_up_together::sunflower:
See you soon🌹


Hope “long” isn’t actually that long.


I guess Fira meant ‘‘for a very, very brief time’’ rather than ‘‘for a long time’’.


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