A password system

I opened ciu today, only to be greeted by my keys nearly exhausted, out of fuel, and away from my default star system, and lost a keyrush i didn’t even play
i discovered later that someone has opened my account, (i still don’t know who) maybe because i opened my account on another pc and forgot to close it

so is that it? if i log in on a pc that’s not mine i’ll simply hand whoever owns that pc my account forever

that’s why I thought about a password system
which acts as the following:
anyone who already has an account will get a link to submit a password, and any new members will have to put a password with the email.
you use the password every time to log in, apart from what happened to me this idea will add for the game’s future security and will prevent any account hacks or stealing
thx (sorry if this is a bit unreadable, ik no shit about html codes and how to use them in text)

  • should people have passwords to further protect their accounts
  • should ciu account system stay the same
  • should this idea be tweaked a little to be less annoying and then be put in the game

0 voters

Sounds like a you problem.
Don’t log on public computers then.

Can’t you already log out from CIU?

That’s already how it works?

  1. If you login on someone’s computer, make sure you have linked a email and then removed your account from their computer.
  2. This game’s account already have protection: When you try to login your linked account to a new device, you will be asked to enter a PIN code which will be sent to your email.

The good side is: If you already linked your account in your own devices, whenever you login, it’ll disconnect both devices.

If you log in on a foreign device but you forget to log out, then you are giving control to your account to whoever uses that device after you. This problem is not specific to CIU – all apps have it.

Requiring a password every time you log in would be way too much hassle.

Next time you play on a strange device, go to the “Accounts” menu and delete your account from the list so it can’t be used by anyone else.


Let’s say that you were tired of typing ur passwd again and again, Then you would want to have the option of Save password, In that case same issue. Just remove your account every time to log out of the game / go afk. Every app has that problem.

Reusing password also a major problem.


In short, git gud at computer security.

I don’t mind a pw when logging in but it seems annoying and would slow activity

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