A bug from A boss , or a glich or boss game mecanics?

Uhhh… Hello Hello?
Just encountered a bug , a glitch or a game mecanic from a boos and its this one:

Uhh…The boss , “Its a bird ? Its a plane?” Has a bug , or game mecanic in Chicken invaders Universe
Remember chicken invaders 4
Well the boss now (wave 10 CI4) has something that i encounterd everytime. The boss goes down and starts blasting those red bullets or something.Then the boss stay there for blasting 3-5 times and then it comes up. Is this a game mechanic or a bug ?
Reply if you seen this.
AI if you are reading this (probllay not) , is this a game bug? I have a doubt on that.
Have a good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/night everyone
-a not popular user.

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Not a bug/glitch, it’s a game mechanic.

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Ok thanks

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if you have bugs you discovered

Please Refer to early Access topics so you can tell it to IA (InterAction Studios)

Ok.That’s good to know. Although I already know it’s a game mechanic.

it’s known

it should get at the bottom of the screen to fire red blasters

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