2 new challenges idea 💡

  • Food Collection Challenge: From its name it is clear that you need to collect more food.
  • Mission type: DROID RAID.
  • Difficulty: Between 50% and 100%.
  • Number of waves: 3 stages, each with 5 waves (3 × 5) (15 waves)
  • prizes :
  1. 300 keys + hungry hero medal
  2. 270 keys
  3. 240 keys
  4. 210 keys
  5. 180 keys
  6. 150 keys
  7. 120 keys
  8. 90 keys
  9. 60 keys
  10. 30 keys
  • can be fly once

  • the new mission after 1 day

  • Key Challenge: It’s also clear what the goal is; The goal is to collect more keys.

  • Mission type: key rush.

  • Difficulty: Between 70% and 100%.

  • Number of waves: 5 stages, each with 10 waves (5 × 10) (50 waves)

  • prizes :

  1. 500 keys + key lover medal
  2. 450 keys
  3. 400 keys
  4. 350 keys
  5. 300 keys
  6. 250 keys
  7. 200 keys
  8. 150 keys
  9. 100 keys
  10. 50 keys
  • can be fly once
    the new mission after 1 day
medals png
hungry hero


key lover


If you didn’t understand something tell me.


Unless prices get a 300% increase I don’t see the need of them.

Especially the food one since droid raids have the exact same role

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Yes because it is early multiple

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