Weapon Reskin Library V2.0

All the colorless weapons: Negative Gun, Black Lighting, Dark Chrome, MonoChrome Master And Light Cannon

Because I cant see all the Colors, im a dog if you dont see my ppf


What’s y color weapons?

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Bruh, my english is terrible, what more i need say? I will fix


I think “y” should not be there.

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Me too, actually - again, does anybody have the sprites for this?

This is a good point, and it was a consideration behind making these tbh. Realistically, in-game, I can see one of two things being possible, and would definitely hope at least one of them gets added:

  1. Full colour customisation - like spaceship editing, but for weapons.
  2. Pre-made skins, like these

Each has their pros and cons, too - with full, user-driven editing, you’re limited by however editable the engine allows the sprite to be. Many of the weapon sprites would need to be remade to allow this, too. Take a look at Neutron Gun for example - if you just bluntly apply a colour filter over it, you’ll never get to the two recolours above, which use some negativity and contrast filters - and the classic skin will pretty much never be a thing, then.

Pre-made skins have a few benefits - you can have some more unique and quality edits, and can also use new sprites and advanced manipulation tweaks, or per-sprite editing (I can almost guarantee that in custom editing you wouldn’t get to customize your plasma impact sprite separately from the main one, for example, nor would basically any of the Riddler skins be possible, for various reasons).
And it also encourages space travel to find your favourite skins across the galaxy, and potential future content in updates, too. Finally, the devtime would almost certainly be lower, too. Really, the only disadvantage to this system is that it greatly reduces the number of total available choices (although that point shouldn’t be taken lightly).

Ultimately, I’d be happy to see either of these scenarios (and not necessarily with these skins either, although that would be really really cool) - but everybody was like “let’s add skins” and nobody was like “here are some actual examples” so I wanted to fix that and bring the somewhat intangible idea of weapon skins closer to conceivability. I designed these to be the best of both worlds - using in-game sprites where possible to avoid massive file clutter, but also designing original skins (like classic neutron) occasionally so that it wouldn’t just be “Here’s the pink skin. Here’s the green one.”

Eh… that’s so much less original, though…
I have since had some ideas that would work, but this weapon has been suggested to have a “popcorn” mechanic, and whether or not that gets added would totally change what skins would look like, so I’m holding out on it until that change is/isn’t made before I make skins for it. But I’d love to make Absolver skins if someone had the sprites…

That’s kind of cool, but it seems kind of counter-intuitive to be shooting the eggs at the chickens (not to mention visually a bit distracting, no doubt). It would feel like the Rebels building their own Death Star to fight the Empire - it’s thematically a bit challenging.

On the topic of in-game non-corn sprites that could work, the shrapnel from the spaceship/droids when they blow up could make a cool shotgun…

Then the current Neutron gun needs to be better. No point adding “the good Neutron Gun” if it makes the old one redundant. Having two front-firing weapons as similar as these will just clutter the weapon roster, because ultimately they’ll either end up pretty much equally balanced, or one will be superior to the other and make it obsolete.

Aha, if I could figure out a way to actually make that sprite look convincingly like pasta it would be there, don’t worry.




How to mod CI in five easy steps:

  1. Watch @anon27929001’s helpful video tutorial
  2. Actually make the mod
  3. Don’t save as a compressed image
  4. Don’t save as a compressed image
  5. Post your Chicken Invaders artwork! - #577 by Kylo-Hen

Also, I updated the main post with V1.1 - Finished off the Photon Fairies and added more details on why Noir riddler isn’t just a boring sepia recolour (it still is, but it’s slightly cooler now). :stuck_out_tongue:


Version 1.2 - New Additions:

Absolver beam skins! Now all weapon except Corn Shotgun have their skins (corn will get some, just waiting for WBP so I know whether I need to make a popcorn sprite for each or not. :wink: )

Additional changes

  • Classic Neutron got a significant polish because I found a better sprite to use…
  • Gave the third skin for Neutron a bit of a conceptual overhaul - even though it’s still using the same sprite as the original “Azure Wave”. You’ll see what I mean. :wink:
  • Riddler firing animations now included in the artwork to help people who struggle visualizing my notes (like me)
  • Positron has been remastered in the same transparency level/style as CIU version - they’re now all “gameplay viable”, I believe. You can see the old/new comparison below:
    Positron Stream Old Positron Stream

Thoughts? Anything I changed that you don’t like? Still waiting for corn? Let me know! :smiley:


Let’s beam those chickens with these, shall we?


Forgot to add, if the reskin for ion is green, it should make a green hit effect, and same for yellow, while retro should make the same effect as killing ailens.


i love “Ice Boron” and “Wavefrom”, nothing more to say


That’s basically how I imagined it, yeah. (Except retro would be red, of course.)

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Waveform skin can have low frequency low amplitude for uncharged attack, while the fully charged has high frequency high amplitude.


I like that idea - although, it would put it squarely in the range of skins that required some new programming.

Still, stuff like Mad Painter also falls into that range, so it’s fair game. I like it.


How about some spoons for the Utensil Poker? That would be crazy. :laughing:


Or better yet, screws…

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AN EXPERIMENT: File Size Estimates for this Library

If you weren’t aware, one of the development goals for CIU is to avoid bloating out the file size for a future mobile port, which throws suggestions such as this into question. Yet lately we’ve been seeing paint options for spaceships get added left, right, and center because they are smaller files (they average roughly 1MB each in CI5).

So I wanted to crunch some numbers and work out how demanding it would be for this library to be implemented. And using CI5 files for reference (which, if anything, might be less optimized than the CIU files) I’ve arrived at some statistics. I have been somewhat conservative with this estimate, and if you have the time to read through the figures you’ll find that there’s probably about a solid 3-9 extra megabytes that you could shave off, depending on how sophisticated the engine’s recolouring abilities are.

If you would like to understand or double-check exactly how I’ve reached these figures (and how generous I’ve been), I’ve included the math below - feel free to take a look:

The Math
  • 3 Ion Blaster Skins x 129KB each = 387KB. Two of these could also likely be done in-software, but I’ll be generous and make them all new sprites to be safe.

  • 3 Neutron Gun Skins x 129KB each = 387KB (Classic Neutron can fit within this file size).

  • Both Ion Blaster and Neutron gun seem to create their collision effects programatically, so I can’t really increase the size anymore here.

  • 2 Laser Cannon Skins x 1000KB each = 2000KB

  • The “Light Cannon” skin is just a super whitened laser cannon - I would be a bit worried if the software couldn’t achieve at least that.

  • 3 Lightning Fryer Skins x 513KB each = 1539KB. Again, two of these are basic recolours, but we’re being really conservative.

  • Laser Cannon and Lightning Fryer use the same file for collision effects. They only take up half that file, but to be safe lets add another three x 257KB each = 771KB

  • 2 Vulcan Chaingun Skins. I don’t know the file size for the rework, so I took the classic vulcan size and quadrupled it to be safe = 2x4x129 = 1032KB.

  • Comet Chaingun just uses a small, whitened comet sprite and a recoloured trail - I don’t think it would need a new sprite.

  • 3 Plasma Rifle Skins x 2 sprites per skin (hitting/not hitting) x 513 each = 3078KB.

  • Plasma handles collisions effects programatically, I believe, so no extra file size there - I’m also assuming that recolouring the AoE effect can be done in-software, too.

  • 2 Boron Railgun Skins. “False Moron” can just use the Boron sprites, and because both Boron and Moron are in the same file, we can actually just shove the two new skins into a single file of identical size. So that’s 513KB.

  • 3 Photon Swarm Skins x 513KB each = 1539KB. All three of these are very basic hue shifts and could easily be done by the software, I suspect, but we’re being cautious.

  • Photon’s weird “glow” effects take up half of a 1MB file. I imagine “photon stingers” as not actually having one of these effects, and you could hypothetically squeeze the other two into the same file, but that’s a super efficient estimate and we’re being conservative. So I’ll add 2000KB (2MB) for these, assuming two files.

  • 3 Positron Stream Skins x 513KB each = 1539KB. You could easily achieve the Magma Stream with basic colour editing, though, and the other two might also be possible with clever layering.

  • Each Positron skin requires another 513KB file for the “glow” effect, but they only take up half that file, and we don’t need to recolour the second sprite in that file, - so we can cram the effects for “Corrupted Negatrons” and “Magma Stream” into just one of these files. “Doom Ray” uses the default purple, so it doesn’t require a second file.

  • 3 Hypergun Skins x 257KB each = 771KB, even though the first two could probably be done by the software.

  • Hypergun currently is efficient and uses photon’s collision effects, but let’s be super wasteful here and give each new skin a unique impact effect instead (which tbh they don’t really need, especially “Intense Focus”). That means three new effects - the original file contains four effects for various weapons, so let’s just round up and add another one of those files - that’s 1000KB.

  • 2 Riddler Skins x 257KB each = 514KB

  • I’m going to assume that the “glow” effect on supercharged bullets can be done by the software using the “additive magic” - so no extra files there

  • Mad Painter needs to be handled programatically because of the way it works - there’s no alternative. Finnaly all three riddler skins use the plain white effect for collision. So there’s no extra stuff needed there.

  • 3 Corn Shotgun (yes, corn shotgun skins. Just because I haven’t posted them doesn’t mean I don’t have sprites) skins at 65KB each = 195KB

  • Let’s add another 195KB under the assumption that each will need a second skin for the WBP popcorn effect, and yet another because I have no idea how the cloud at the nose of the spaceship works and we’re being safe.

  • I have no idea how big the Absolver files are - I have reason to suspect they’re actually pretty small, because the beam is practically created by the software, but just to be super duper safe I’ll slap on an extra megabyte for each skin - that’s 3000KB

  • 3 Utensil Poker skins x 257KB each = 771KB. Superstar Hero really shouldn’t need a new sprite or recolour at all, but just in case.

  • No extra points for collision effects, Utensil skins should all use the default white ones. Likewise I’m pretty sure the software can manage the soft glow on “Superstar Hero” and “Dark Chrome”.

Which leaves the final, conservative, worst-case file size estimate at 21,939KB, or about 22 megabytes.

For reference:

  • The main data file in CIU as of version 46.0 is 335MB large.
  • Each new paintjob is approximately (very approximately, they vary a bit) 1MB large, putting this estimate at roughly 22 paintjobs worth of content.

This means that if this particular library of weapon skins were added in it’s entirety, the main .dat file of Chicken Invaders Universe would increase by no more than 7%.

Whether or not you would consider that a fair trade-off is up to you, and I suppose ultimately up to iA.

Do keep in mind that potentially, depending on the engine’s ability to recolour things, much smaller file sizes could be accomplished, perhaps as small as 15MB, give or take. And these calculations all assume that this specific library of skins were to be added - other, different designs could easily cost even less file size. Another alternative would be to add only one or two skins per weapon, which would allow some of the more difficult to recolour sprites to be cut.

The three questions for thought that come out of this experiment, I believe, are:

  • Is this a reasonable amount of extra file size, or rather, what file size would be acceptable in exchange for preset weapon customizations such as these?

  • How much more could this estimate be reduced by, given the engines capabilities and limitations?

  • Is, ultimately, some selection of weapon skins a viable future concept for Chicken Invaders Universe?

Feel free to use this topic to share thoughts on the matter. :wink:


3 Skins in the base game per weapon and future ones as a separate download (1$/2$ DLC)

The game is worth more than the CHL price, I think that cosmetic DLC may be a good thing


Although I wouldn’t normally consider doing such an extensive cosmetic-only modification during this EA stage (other considerations take priority), this certainly seems to be a popular idea. Some unorganized thoughts:

Paintjobs in CIU are 25% the size of CI5’s.

How would these rekins be applied? You mention per spaceship, but how exactly? If it’s a variation of a weapon equipment (like rarity), you’ll only be able to change a single weapon per mission. Hardpoints? Mission slots?

Are these skins equally valuable/rare? Off the top of my head, the most efficient way to implement this would be to piggy-back them onto rarities (so you get a e.g. common/uncommon/rare/legendary neutron gun), but that would mean (a) some rekins are rarer (hence more valuable?) than others and (b) what I said before, you’d only be able to activate a single one at a time.

Gift colors would probably need to stay the same (the combinatorial logistics of trying to re-color them while also making them sufficiently discrete in all cases would be a nightmare).


The picture I had in my head when I thought about it actually looked something rather similar to the recently added “theme customization” screen, here’s a quick mock-up:

It would be a dedicated submenu. You select the weapon on the left, and then the skin on the right. The display in the middle (optional, but cool) lets you see the weapon in-action, and the slider at the bottom adjusts the firepower level of said example.

This would, like the new “themes”, be a separate menu. Admittedly, it wouldn’t cater to a spaceship-specific approach (that was more of an idealistic scenario, aha) but it would allow for one skin per weapon type to be equipped at any time.

Hardpoints and mission slots would be an issue because you would then have to prevent someone equipping two skins for the same weapon type.

This exact idea also occurred to me - there’s three skins per weapon and three tiers of rarity, so it wouldn’t be too yucky. It seems that, from the feedback I’ve gotten on the actual skins, some are indeed more popular than others and so staggering them with rarities might not be a bad thing, but the point about only being able to equip one skin at a time is still an issue then.

Plus, if they are tied to weapons, where do you then put the description so that people know what skin they’re getting? Replacing the weapon description isn’t ideal, I think.

Personally, I feel like being able to equip multiple skins at once (as in, one per weapon) is more important than having them assigned to specific ships. If someone has an idea as to how both could be accomplished, I’d love to hear it.

Oh yeah, absolutely. I considered making gift artwork at first, and then quickly realized what a problem that would be during gameplay. Plus, keeping default gift colours means you don’t have to re-learn the colours when you buy a skin, and there’s no confusion as to which is which if you buy a few at once.

I may be wrong, but this would be most efficient post Weapon Balance Program, correct? Otherwise that’s four sprites you need to change if you need to adjust one, instead of one.

I’ve held off on a corn shotgun concept for this very reason (although I have made some prototypes for it behind-the-scenes).

Woah, that’s pretty clever. And explains why we’ve been getting so many. :joy:


What if we save weapon skins for an optional paid feature? If we are going to have microtransactions in this game, this feature looks like a very good candidate. From what I know, cosmetic changes that don’t affect the gameplay are pretty popular and reliable source of income in games.

If popcorn shotgun becomes a thing, there is a potential for one very cool skin: Shoots roasted chicken legs when in corn form, and whole roasted chickens in popcorn form. (Even current food sprites could be used for that.)