Update 29 Breeds Prediction!

So armored chickenaut ship? Ok. I didn’t really feel like it was necessary at all,but okay I guess.

Actually yes. But I do see now why you omitted the word ship. Well then lets end this discussion.

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Chickenaut (derived from ‘astronaut’) refers to a very specific enemy. Official names are sometimes lacking, but refer to this list, it’s quite accurate:


I’ve always mistaken then, I thought that was derived from “chicken” and “juggernaut”

Yeah,I just called it armored chickenaut because that’s what emerald’s image basically is(well,plus the 3 gatling guns and the fact that it also has ninja chicks’ property)

Lol accident

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For the first time ever,a chicken with brown plumage.

  • :new: Added “Slob” chickens.
  • :new: Added “Toxic” chickens.
  • :new: Added “Coward” chickens.
    Now we know.

Hazmat suit chicken incoming?

It has strong protection to nuclear weapons.

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Well, can’t wait to see how those will be.

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