Unofficial CI2U Leaderboards



4 deaths but survive in W90

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BX-9 singleplayer gameplay. SSH difficulty. Died several times. Had to use special weapons against the last few bosses because they were crazy. The last boss was scary to dodge.

don't click okay

I reached the middle of the final wave in CI5U, only for iA to shut the beta server down. Oh well, I guess I’ll post my recent score for this port, then. I ran this using the final beta release. My score is kinda bad, though.

was it really that hard

wave 90 is the only hard one, managed to not die there somehow

Maybe it’s the Forums, but I see a duplicate of your result page when opening it. Is that intended?

I didn’t duplicate anything. Maybe your computer got a bug, or corrupted?

Even with forcing desktop mode on my phone, I still see double. Weird. I’ll take a look at my PC when I get the chance.

It’s not a duplicate. The difference is the medals shown in the middle. In the bottom screenshot, Starbrockle scrolled down to show the Elite Campaign Trophy.


Oh, I see. I usually don’t post that (the trophy) when I share, since it’s somewhat irrelevant in overall gameplay.


Yeah, sorry about that, DrPeeper.

That’s why I use the ‘‘Hide Details’’ option which collapses my screenshots into one summary. To avoid taking a lot of space in the topic.

I guess being a BX-9 pilot keeps me at stake considering the hitbox and lack of speed. I could’ve increased my speed from my equipment, but I needed a lot of lives in order to pull through.

Not a problem.

I also used a BX-9 and no perishables (only 2 atractors), I only died twice (wave 100 and 106, I somehow managed to succeed in wave 90 without dying, the wave on its own is hard but not Ironman-level hard.)

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First attempt went well enough, despite dying four times (twice on both Venus and Mercury). The Mothership at the end felt very easy, even with the SSH difficulty spike. With how quick this Episode is (done in half the time, compared to 3-5), I can play this endlessly.

This was done on v141.5 Live.


Oh boi playing CI2U is kinda hard on phone ._.

Lost almost all my lives on wave 90…

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My 1st attp

  • Used m408, no magnet
  • Got cornered on w90
  • Got blocked on w100 and w103
  • Got random meteored on w110

I won’t take too much time for CI2U. Only this time and the last time before v142.
3 times dying, one in wave 100 and two in wave 110 (damn, that villain shoots too fast)

P/s: I played CI2U from yesterday, but i forgot to post my Final Score in LIVE server here btw :skull:

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Is this the radial attack or the bullet stream? If its the latter, I was using my BX9 (with one Jet) and it never touched me. A couple times, I was moving slow, like what I do against UFO 3 to avoid its shots.

It’s the “16 bullets” attack. I can’t get the firepower that dropped from Mother hen-ship when it changed to “16 bullets” attack. I died at that time when trying to collect that firepower.

CI2U leaderboards so far in main game:
1 - Knightcap: 55,924,976
2 - DePeeper: 55,497,836
3 - Bluefa: 54,577,436
4 - Me (ThePeacekeepersError): 53,430,892
5 - Yen: 53,349,732
6 - PlasmaX: 53,192,076 (↑ 2,261,508)
7 - Kapet: 52,967,736
8 - Starbrockle: 52,006,348
9 - BuzzyTheCat: 51,832,668
10 - Aquarius_Ova: 51,088,820

SSH Average: 50M
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