Unique ID for all people instead Callsign*

In Forum:


Suggested by me in some sort when I found some fake-Recruit #35 players and suggested to show callsign near nickname in forum. I like this idea anyway.


Itā€™s not possible to edit Discourse that much. Besides, people can use otherā€™s IDā€™s if they know them.

Iā€™m not Åæure thatā€™s poÅæÅæible with this forum, but a ā€œpoļ¬… your callÅæign hereā€ topic would do the trick. I vaguely recall that there already is one, but maybe not.

People can still just lie about their callsign. But I guess they can here too anyway. The only real proof would be video evidence, but that would probably be just for those occasions, so a topic wouldnā€™t be bad.

instead Callsign*
*I talk about situation when you need write Callsign for IA

If this gets implemented I would like to reserve id #371 becauseā€¦ reasons.

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